極 具 教 育 性 的 兒 童 專 家 小 組 討 論!

我們知道,兒童的健康成長需要父母各方面的照顧,而子女的成材則更須要家長的用心栽培。今日社會充斥著各類育兒資料與專家心得,所有資訊看來似乎隨手可得, 但是浩瀚的字海和朋輩的建議時常讓我們迷惘,難以尋得真正中肯和適用的意見。有見及此,KIDSFEST 特別設立『家庭教育展』,邀請各界權威專家名人 為家長提供專題講座,分享教育、健康、親子教養等重要資訊,與大家一同學習觀摩及交流。
梁偉清醫生, OD, FOAA
梁醫生畢業於波士頓新英格蘭視光學院,是Beta Sigma Kappa 光學榮譽學會會員、美國角膜塑型術學院的成員、加州光學會與美國光學會會員。同時,梁醫生還具備受控物質劑診斷和治療醫藥人員的合法認證,持有治療青光眼和角膜屈光治療認證(CRT),完成治療和管理眼病培訓與眼科臨床指導教師培訓,並通過國家考試委員會TMOD 檢驗。
區永信醫生是UCLA生物工程學士及牙科醫學博士,於La Palma、Monterey Park、Pasadena各市行醫超過25年,並於2010年在Arcadia市設立全新診所。區醫生經驗十分豐富,口碑極佳,尤其是在隱形箍牙技術方面!
Dr. Au grew up in Hong Kong and immigrated to Los Angeles in the 70s. He holds a bachelor degree in Bio-Engineering and doctoral degree in Dentistry from UCLA. He has been practicing dentistry for over 25 years, working in La Palma, Monterey Park, and Pasadena. Most recently he opened a new office in Arcadia in 2010. He has experience in all aspects of dentistry.
Dr. J Ting 丁毓麟醫學博士(Dr. J. Ting, DO, CFII-MEI)
丁醫師係全科及家庭科醫師,專精內科、小兒科、耳鼻喉科、復健體驗、皮膚過敏、美容瘦身、肉毒桿菌、雷射除皺、割雙眼皮、點痣及除疤。診所設有超音波檢查,另外,也任心靈輔導(Personal Counseling)。 丁醫師目前在四個診所應診,均接受各種保險,自費者有特別優惠。
註 冊 營 養 師 Hazel Ng , RD
吳希素畢業於美國柏克萊大學臨床營養學畢業,擁有美國註冊營養師執照,同時具有美國營養師協會體重管理和美國母乳教育專業資格,曾任加州醫院及政府機構高 級營養師。她曾擔任香港 Diet Asia 營養顧問中心主管,並設計了『健康瘦身工具箱』,成功替上千人仕減肥瘦身。2005 年在南加州開始其私人執業營 養師事業,並在Cerritos College兼任大學營養師。 Hazel 經常接受傳媒訪問,舉行營養講座,撰寫專欄,並開設了中文營養資料網 www.smarteater.net,致力推廣健康飲食,她的理想是令每個人都認識如何可以吃得有營,而活得健康。加入開發 「美康膳」 這個新項目,助她 更進一步達到理想。
根據洛縣統計顯示,肥胖人口比例已從一九九七年的百分之十四點三, 上升到二零零三年的百分之十九點三。 肥胖,已成為人們健康的一大殺手。 現代太多的食品選擇和誘惑對現代人有不同的效應﹕飲食過多﹐ 營養不均﹐或因懼怕肥胖而不科學節食等等。
Vivian Chan’s Profile ~
Vivian Chan and her husband Stephen have four children, two boys and two girls age range from 18 to 31 years old.Vivian has been very active in the San Marino school community, served as the president of the San Marino PTA Council for two terms, VP for the First District PTA,trustee to the San Mario School Foundation, chairperson for the San Marino City Recreation Commission for 3 terms, Director of Chinese Club of San Marino, and board member to many youth related organizations such as the girl and boy scouts, 9-1-1 For Kids emergency preparedness program, Kathy Ireland’s Christmas Gala for Children, For the Love of Children Benefit Concert featuring the Backstreet Boys, VP of National Charity League, VP of Education (7 terms) of the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra which oversee the music programs that served 4,500 students in the Pasadena Unified School District, team mom for soccer and little league for years.An energetic and involved member of the community, who along with her many hours in volunteer work, currently acts as chairperson for the fund development for Athletes & Entertainers for Kids that served the under-privilege children in the greater LA area, Founding board member and VP of the United Charity Foundation, the First District PTA Chairperson for Asian Outreach in the San Gabriel Valley Area, First VP of San Marino PTA Council, A Rotarian of San Marino Rotary Club, member of the Hong Kong Schools Alumni Federation (a passed director), Chinese Art Council for the Pacific Asia Museumand co-chair the Verdant Mist Committee for The Chinese Garden at The Huntington Library. In her spare time, Vivian enjoys writing the column “Whiz Kids of the Week” for San Marino Patch, traveling with her family and gourmet dining with friends.
陶家琪 Rosa Zee
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