How to Register:
Complete the Registration Form and mail to us with a check paid in full. Please do not send cash.
Program Fees for 2015 Season: | |
Sibling discount |
$245 per cotillion student
10% for the second child (same family) |
Tuition & Discounts:
- Registration fee is non-refundable
- Tuition includes six monthly lessons
- Tuition does not include admission to end-of-season party, cotillion wardrobe and accessories. Parents, family members and friends may attend the Graduation Ball by purchasing tickets.
- Sibling discount - 10% discount for the second family member at the same time
Class Size & Waiting List:
- Spaces are available on first-come-first-serve basis. Space will be reserved only after we have received the full payment
- We aim to balance the number of boys and girls for each class. If your child is placed on a wait-list, it means that there is room in the class, but we must balance the number of boys and girls so that everyone has a partner
- Wait-listed students will be enrolled as the needed number of boys or girls register for that class. If your child does not get enrolled, we will notify and send you a full refund
- If a class is full, we will place your child's name in the waiting list. If we cannot place your child into a class, you will receive a full refund
We will notify you by MAIL to confirm your child's registration. You will be notified if your child is placed on a waiting list.
Registration and tuition are not transferable. If tuition is not received PRIOR to the start of the first class, we cannot guarantee the student's place. Classes are paid for by the series, not by week.
Each week a different theme will be held. There is NO makeups given for missed classes.
Snacks and Refreshment:
There will be a short snack break during the class. All snacks and drinks will be provided.
Any student found to be disruptive to the program or teachers may be dismissed from the class. Final decisions made regarding dismissals will be done by the Cotillion Director. There are no refunds for dismissal due to discipline problems.
We will need 2 volunteering parents to be chaperones for each class. Chaperones will be invited to the Summer Cruise Party as guests. Tasks and responsibilities of chaperones will be announced one week prior to the first class. Chaperones are required to assist in all six classes. If a chaperone is absent from his/her task for more than one class, we will replace the position and the privilege of invitation to the Summer Cruise Party will be forfeited.