A mum and a daughter… Finding Dory

親子一同看電影相信所有爸媽和小孩常常做的事 . . . 但是,你有走丟過孩子嗎?心裡的痛好像每個媽媽都一樣~~前兩期的親子登山文章深受大家歡迎的讀者媽媽《小小雨》帶著女兒一起觀看了迪士尼最新電影《海底總動員2》,媽媽和女兒的觀後感真實又感人,讓我們一起看她們倆娓娓道來。。。




doryThis girl is just 8 years old… And this is how she felt after watching Finding Dory…

When I watched the movie Finding Dory on June 25, 2016, I noticed that Dory had a special talent. Dory would always find a new way to solve problems if the first way didn’t work. Even though she had short time memory loss, she still was one smart fish.

Every time there was a problem, Dory knew another way. She, Dory even had said, “What would Dory do.” And, if Dory didn’t have Nemo and Martin with him. Dory couldn’t have made it finding his parents.

The most important part about it is that Dory found his parents safe and sound. So if you lost your parents, would you be like Dory? If you would, I bet you’d complete your journey.

I learned that you can never give up no matter what happens. This is exactly why the movie Finding Dory is an incredible mobie, and has taught children like me, lots of new things that are interesting, awesome, and educational to some children that go to school and learn things like that!

I hope that lots more people enjoyed watching the movie “Finding Dory.”

Also, what I noticed in the movie is that fish and people are almost the same because when we get lost, our parents are just as worry as Dory’s parents, too.




(題外話)不過,這倒給了我一次與兒子親密接觸的機會,全程兩個小時他乖乖地坐在我腿上讓我摟著他,久違了的美好的感覺,體會生命是如此的真實。自從他5歲,每次我說讓媽媽抱抱,他都是過來讓我抱一下,在我懷里呆不了一分鐘就跑走接著玩去了。這彌足珍貴的兩個小時呀,電影之外的意外收穫。真是人生處處有驚喜! !

言歸正傳,《Finding Dory》是繼《Finding Nemo》13年之後Pixar的又一力作,也叫續集吧,可謂經典巨制,重磅歸來。不過,《Finding Nemo》上演時我還在北京,還沒有孩子,對此類影片沒什麼興趣。儘管後來有了孩子之後,我下載了《Finding Nemo》給孩子看,Everybody knows Nemo. 可是我從沒完整地看過這部影片。所以,今天去看電影之前我還跟朋友說:“Kids’ movie should be boring to me. ” 但兩個小時下來,我才發現我完全被它吸引了。 Dory的配音居然是我超喜歡的美國著名脫口秀主持人Ellen DeGeneres,這也讓我倍感親切。從影院出來,我第一句話就問女兒“你聽出Dory的配音是誰了嗎?她可是跟我一樣喜歡看Ellen show.

aDORYable means adorable Dory


影片剛開始不久,當baby Dory說 “Hi I am Dory, I suffer from short term memory loss.” 的時候,她那楚楚可憐的樣子,一下就戳中了我作為一個母親的痛點,我甚至當時就對懷裡的兒子耳語:“找不到爸爸媽媽,多可憐,你以後一定不要走丟了.”

Dory 問 Marlin “Do you know how it feels to be looking for someone?” Marlin可是深有體會呀,我也是,我這個粗心的媽媽,女兒兒子都在mall裡走失過,那短短幾分鐘的尋找,似乎長過一輩子,那種怕再也見不到的焦急,OMG, it would kill me.

Hank said “No memory, no problems.”然後 Dory 就跟著重複這句話,我當時心中在想,我們生活中一定會有許多想失憶的時刻,想忘記一個人,一件事,一段過往。可Dory當時也許在想,我這短期失憶症是不是也有好的一面呢? !

當 Dory 跳進跟她同一類魚的魚缸中,她大聲喊她的爸爸媽媽的名字Charlie and Jenny,那麼多魚長得都一樣,卻沒有一個回應她,Marlin said “She should just pick 2 and lets go.” 這一幕真的把大家都逗笑了,全場笑場。

Dory said the best things happen by chance. Did I plan to …? Did I plan to…? 這真是至理名言呀,人生中哪有那麼多計劃好的好事,正因如此,才有驚喜這個詞。

When something is too hard, you should just give up…..There is always another way.

Dory 和好多魚被困在廂式貨車上,Hank怎麼也打不開車廂的門,Dory回想起這句There is always another way. Hank就找到了頭頂的出口。就是這種心態救了它們。在我們人類的生活中,大家不也常說,上帝為你關上了一扇門,同時就會為你打開一扇窗。就是這個道理。

Dory Remembers being taught to follow shells to get back home and does so, ultimately reuniting with her parents, Charlie and Jenny.

在結尾處,那無數的貝殼排在一起,指向同一方向,Dory終於順著貝殼的踪跡找到了爸爸媽媽。那是她的爸爸媽媽每天撿來一些貝殼,積少成多,搭成的貝殼宮殿,那場面還真的挺震撼人心。我Google 了一下,還是沒找到這個場面的劇照,大家還是自己去影院體會吧.