小提示:當然不要忘記我們的另一篇介紹位於 Oxnard 市舉行的加州草莓節,一年一度的嘉年華能讓你一次嚐到各色以草莓創作的美食,也是南加的年度盛事喔!
走進本地有機果園 鮮摘草莓 咬一口清甜 ~~~
Tanaka Farms 田中農場
Tips: No sandals, flip-flops or heels allowed. Don’t forget the sunscreen & water, and don’t miss the chocolate dipped strawberries available at the produce stand. This year the berry crop is stupendous, so you can pick early and pick often.
Season: mid March – mid June. Weekend tours leave every half hour from 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m., and last from 45 minutes to 75 minutes. (Weekday tours also available, they require reservations: call 949-653-2100.)
Location: 5380 University Drive, Irvine
Cost: $18 per person (kids under 2 are free) for the tour and pound of berries, if you just want to pick, it’s $5/pound behind the market. Call to make sure they have enough berries in this patch to pick.
Online: tanakafarms.com
田中農場位於南加州爾灣,是一個佔地 30英畝的有機觀光農場。農場本身種植大約60多種有機水果和蔬菜,遊客可以從農場內的蔬果攤直接購買當季新鮮蔬果。田中農場還提供農場導覽,讓小孩與大人認識農場的實際運作。
採草莓主要的導覽有草莓導覽 (三月中到六月中)
蔬菜烹飪導覽 (三月中到八月底)
西瓜導覽 (七月到八月)
南瓜導覽 (九月底到十月底)
蔬果攤 ~~ 週一至周五 9am-6pm, 週末 9am-5pm
草莓導覽 ~~ 週一至周五 (需預約), 週末 9:30am – 2:30pm (每半小時一次) 全程 45至75分鐘
草莓導覽 ~~ 成人及兒童 $18.00, 兒童(兩歲或以下) 免費
Address: 5380 University Drive, Irvine
McGrath Family Farm 麥格夫家庭有機農場
Strawberries are healthiest when they’re organic, and McGrath Family Farms is a certified organic farm where strawberries are planted and grown sans pesticides. You can pick your own strawberries in the gardens, and on the way out you can treat your family to a beautiful bouquet of flowers that are grown on the farm to maximize pollination.
Note: This year the berries haven’t been too bountiful, so they won’t be opening the fields until May. Call before you make the drive, 805-983-0333,to make sure they have berries for you to pick and to confirm prices. How many ripe berries there are depends on the weather, and how many pickers beat you to the punch.
Time: Daily from 11 a.m.–4 p.m., May-June
Location: 1012 West Ventura Blvd., Camarillo
Cost: approximately $10/person will get you into the farm to walk the fields, meet the barnyard animals and pick a peck.
Online: mcgrathfamilyfarm.com
Riley’s Farm 萊利農場
萊利農場位於蘋果之鄉~~橡樹谷內, 是一座有一百多年歷史的休閒農場. 約55英畝大的萊利農場始於1885年, 農場內除了提供觀光果園讓民眾享受採水果樂趣外, 並還有一座以美國早期殖民地時代為背景的餐廳, 烘焙坊, 和紀念品店.
萊利農場每年吸引約七萬名觀光客, 並且還提供幾個有趣的主題表演如: 美國獨立戰爭, 美國南北戰爭, 黃金熱掏金及老喬的農場, 讓遊客透過表演了解幾個美國重要的時期. 對於喜歡採水果的遊客來說, 果園內除了最著名的蘋果之外, 幾乎一年四季皆有水果可以採收, 如
- 春: 草莓
- 夏: 水蜜桃, 桑葚, 黑莓, 草莓, 櫻桃
- 秋: 蘋果, 水蜜桃, 梨子, 桑葚, 草莓, 西瓜, 南瓜
農場內的殖民地主題餐廳, 也是遊客必到的景點之一. 外觀以殖民地時代常見的維多利亞式建築, 內部古色古香的木造桌椅, 甚至連服務生都是穿著電影或博物館內才看得到的早期服飾 – 女服務生戴著白色頭巾和束腰, 男服務生穿著馬靴, 戴著一頂三角軍帽. 如果不去看身穿T恤的遊客, 還真以為已經回到十八世紀的美國. 除了古典裝潢之外, 餐廳也提供一些像蘋果炒香腸等的特色菜, 值 得一嘗.
農場中間的紀念品店, 有販賣各樣農場自製的果醬, 不知道要帶甚麼給親朋好友的話, 不如可以考慮買個蘋果醬.
開放時間 ; Monday – Thursday 9 – 4, Friday 9 – 5, Saturday 9 – 6:30, Closed Sunday
Location: 12261 Oak Glen Road, Yucaipa, CA
123農場位於 Cherry Valley,是南加州最大的有機薰衣草農場,種植和出售薰衣草精油和浴鹽等產品,每年六月底還會舉辦薰衣草節。123農場座落於Highland Spring 度假村內,所以這裡還提供住宿和餐廳。觀賞薰衣草的最佳期間是五月底至七月(因為農場收成時間不一,資訊也不一定會放到網站上,建議出發前先致電農場確認是否有薰衣草開放)
開放時間 ;
星期一至五 06:00–20:00
星期六、日 08:00–15:00
Location: 10600 Highland Springs Avenue Cherry Valley, CA 92223
Website: www.123farm.com