資優兒童 STEM 科學創意研習一日營 【丫丫園地特別企劃教學活動】

curious kids


資優兒童 STEM 科學創意研習營 

上個月的親子童樂日教育展中,最受小朋友歡迎的展位之一肯定是由資深生物及化學導師 Alka Kumar 主導的 STEM 科學實驗攤位!從事資優及超資優兒童教育二十多年的 Alka 一直專精 STEM 數理科技教學,將深奧科學理論以好玩科學實驗形式帶給學生,深入淺出,讓孩子從小培養科學探索精神,幫助資優兒童盡情發揮潛能,將智力發展之最高峰。

感恩節假期快到了,丫丫園地特別與 Alka 老師合作推出特別教學企劃,舉辦資優兒童 STEM 科學一日營,讓小朋友趁著學校假期,深入接觸自然科學,全天課程包含十多個實驗活動,涵蓋生物、化學、物理、工程等多個範疇,小朋友更會組成團隊,一起研究和實驗,編寫報告,培養觀察力、創造力與合作精神。

課程內容:Put on your lab coat and apron! Come dive into fantastic world of kitchen chemistry, amazing world of biology and sneaky, pathological microbes and make few fun concoctions, yummy ice-creams and slime! You probably know that plants undergo photosynthesis and make food. But, have you ever wondered how do plants move materials being in one place?

Students will learn using the scientific inquiry method to form hypotheses, plan, investigate, observe, record data and make inferences and draw conclusions. Students will gain a deeper appreciation for the various branches of science through fun, exciting, hands-on activities and through active participation! Students will create short Projects/Poster presentations that will reflect on concepts learnt at the end of camp!

日期:11月 20日星期一 

時間:全日制,上午 9:30am – 下午 3:30pm (請自備午餐)

適合年齡:7 – 12 歲


費用:$125(含材料費)第二位家庭成員同時報名可獲 10%折扣

報名/查詢:電郵 info@lajajakids.com ,或致電 323-728-7200

導師:Alka Kumar 資深生物及化學導師,從事資優及超資優兒童教育二十多年,專精 STEM 數理科技教學,將深奧科學理論以好玩科學實驗形式帶給學生,深入淺出,讓孩子從小培養科學探索精神,幫助資優兒童盡情發揮潛能,將智力發展之最高峰。

Alka Kumar is a nature lover and an enthusiastic science educator! She’s been teaching at the Institute for Educational Advancement for the past three years teaching gifted and highly gifted kids that attend private/public schools and home-schooled kids. She currently teaches and have taught Curious Kids Science Enrichment classes to Pre-K to upper elementary and Junior high kids in Arcadia, Temple City, Walnut and Rolling Hills. She offers age-appropriate, exciting and fun camps for Pre-K-elementary and junior high kids.

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