騎士和馬匹一起在水中共舞,配合上無暇的倒影,讓人不自覺地有如走入夢中 。。。
WHAT: ODYSSEO, the new adventure by Cavalia
WHEN: Shows begin Wednesday, February 3, 2016.
Matinee and evening performances scheduled through February 14
WHERE: Under the White Big Top in Orange County
at the junction of the I-405 & the SR-133 in Irvine
TICKETS: Available at www.cavalia.net and by calling 1-866-999-8111.
Tickets are priced from $29.50 to $269.50 + applicable taxes and fees. Special pricing and packages also available for groups, children (2-12), juniors (13-17) and seniors (65+).
ABOUT CAVALIA INC. – Cavalia Inc. is an entertainment company that specializes in the creation, production and touring of innovative shows. Founded by Normand Latourelle, the company reimagines the equestrian and theatrical arts. With its headquarters in Montreal, Cavalia Inc. is an integral part of Canada’s cultural heritage, and the largest Canadian-owned cultural enterprise. Its expertise in high technology, multimedia and special effects creates magical, unique, never-before-seen experiences. Its first show, Cavalia, has been seen by more than 4 million people across North America, Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Asia since its 2003 debut. Odysseo, the company’s second show, has toured to rave reviews and public acclaim since its 2011 premiere. Follow Cavalia’s latest developments at www.twitter.com/cavalia or www.facebook.com/cavalia. #OdysseoOC