【音樂教學活動】鋼琴陳列室實地考察 by Piano Moms
Date: Saturday, December 11, 2016
Time: 2:15 PM – 4 PM
Location: 4923 Santa Anita Ave Temple City, CA 91780 [private tour by reservation only]
Cost: FREE (by reservation only)
除非你已經和鋼琴打了多年交道,否則面對市面上品種繁雜的選擇,許多初帶孩子學琴的家長常常無從入手,往往是聽琴行職員的推銷,或者根據朋友家的孩子買琴的經驗隨便挑選一架琴,而小朋友雖然是最後用家,但因為年紀太小,也無法將使用時的感受清楚表達 . . .
這個參觀活動是由 Piano Mom 導師 Ms. Wendy 專門為沒有(或只有少許)鋼琴經驗的家長提供的。目的是希望家長在為孩子花大錢買琴之前,能更親身了解鋼琴的構造和選購的秘訣。這個非商業性的教育活動不收費用,Ms. Wendy 和資深琴師將為你介紹鋼琴的功能和機制,各種鋼琴類型和品牌,那些鋼琴值得投資,並會分享一些鋼琴經銷商不會透露的內行小秘密。
This is a special field trip and workshop for parents to learn about this wonderful music instrument called the PIANO! Topic: “How to choose a right piano for a beginner?”
You will learn:
1. 10,000 Parts of Piano and their detailed function
2. Piano Brands and their History
3. Different Sizes of Piano
4. Restoration and Piano Tuning
5. Practical: Rent vs Buy; Used vs New; Shop vs Invest
報名:Piano mom Wendy 626-217-5830 or email impianomom@gmail.com (limit to 12 people total, kids under 5 not allowed)
Read more about Ms. Wendy of Piano Mom: http://www.lajajakids.com/?p=1007