State Treasure John Chiang, ScholarShare Executive Director Julio Martinez, Mayor of City of Cypress, and principals and vice principals of 10 winning schools
ScholarShare 加州 529 大學儲蓄計畫去年推出 Scholar Dollars Grant Program,鼓勵加州各公立和私立中小學積極參與將 ScholarShare 大學儲蓄的概念付諸實行,讓更多家長認識計畫,並落實開設帳戶,開始為孩子從小儲備大學教育經費。 全加州一共有 20 所中小學校贏得 Scholar Dollars Grant Program 的資助獎金,金額由 $5,000 至$30,000 不等,協助學校購買各種重要教學器材和課程材料,如電腦、機器人、樂器、美術用具等,為學生提供更全面優秀的教學和栽培,在未來走向大學之路上走得更成功!
南加州獲獎的學校包括:Alfred Bernhard Nobel Middle、Arthur F. Corey Elementary、David W. Long Elementary、Dos Caminos Elementary、Frank Vessels Elementary、Loyal Barker Elementary、Merced Elementary、Plymouth Elementary School, Santiago Elementary 和 Sequoia Elementary School。
今天,十家學校的校長們與多位嘉賓今天在 Frank Vessels 小學舉行的頒獎儀式上,在數百名小學生的吶喊歡呼聲中,從加州財務長 John Chiang 江俊輝手中接過資助獎金的大支票。小朋友的興奮和熱情,讓所有來賓都受到感染,加上 Diploma Dog 卡通人物 的搞笑演出,讓現場氣氛非常熱烈,充滿著正能量和歡笑聲。
兩位丫丫小記者 Kyran 和 Ryan 也出席了今天的頒獎盛會,並採訪了主禮嘉賓 加州財長 John Chiang 江俊輝,深入認識 ScholarShare Scholar Dollars 如何幫助更多加州學生走向大學之路,更把握機會提問有關他競選加州州長的政見,受益良多呢!

ScholarShare’s Mascot Diploma Dog shares some fun with the students
Kyran Lin (10)
On May 11, 2018, Ryan and I went to Cypress to interview the California State Treasurer John Chiang, and Julio Martinez, the Executive Director of the ScholarShare Investment Board. ScholarShare 529 was awarding scholar dollar grants to 20 winning schools in California. Around 400 schools competed for Scholar dollars. The ceremony was held in the Frank Vessels Elementary.
ScholarShare 529 is a college savings plan that’s helping families and for the cost of higher education. Scholar dollars are funds for the school that can be used for science lab equipment, band uniforms, library resources, computers, tutoring and more for the school. When John Chiang was awarding grants, all of the principles from different schools went up to speak. When Frank Vessels students got the award, they were so excited! They looked very proud when receiving the grant. Treasurer John Chiang had partnered up with ScholarShare to award and give these grants to schools in California. Mr. Chiang is a very friendly and brilliant person. He interacted with all the students and always had a big smile on his face.
By opening a Scholarshare account, you can learn how to save money, and then you can save extra money for your future. During this interview, I learned many things about ScholarShare and how you can save. This interview was a very important to me and all of the students in California. ScholarShare 529 is a great and impactful plan for your future.
Ryan Lo (10)
Today I got to interview John Chiang, the candidate for the future Governor of California. During my interview with Mr. Chiang, he talked about what he would do as the governor. After meeting him for only a short time, I already think he would make an amazing governor of our state of California.
Mr. Chiang is the son of an immigrant from Taiwan. He is currently running for governor of California. In 2006 Chiang ran for the State Controller. He defeat his opponent, Tony Strickland and served as State Controller. After his first term was over, Chiang once again ran for the Controller and won by landslide.
Today Mr. Chiang ( The State Treasurer ) hosted an event and has awarded many schools from all over California. ScholarShare sponsors this event and encourages families to vote for schools. ScholarShare is a program that gives schools a chance to earn money. Thousands of families, parents, and students’ vote are casted and many schools have been awarded with money.
I hope Mr. Chiang can become our governor of California, because I truly believe he is a wonderful person. I know he will be a wonderful governor, and if he get’s elected, I hope he wiuld make our home California a better place.
A review on the 2017 Program Award Ceremony