超級月亮 + 月全蝕 ~ 1 月 31日

full moon

這個星期有個千載難逢的奇景~~ 藍月、血月和超級月亮 3 種天體現象,將睽違 152 年再次合體呈現在世人眼前。南加州可以看得到喔!如果你能等到凌晨四點還不睡,將是最好的觀賞時刻,除了親身到  Griffith Observatory 與其他天文迷一起觀看,不想起床的你也可以安坐家中看網路直播喔!

這場月食秀維持時間長達 77 分鐘,美西時間自下半夜凌晨 4 點 51 分左右開始,印尼、紐西蘭、澳洲、太平洋、加拿大西北部、夏威夷等地是最佳觀賞地點,美東地區則看到月偏食。

If you can stay up as late as 4am, you can see it from Griffith Observatory, or watch it live on the internet.
Streamed in real time on Griffith TV (2:45 a.m. – 7:00 a.m., PST)

Image result for total lunar eclipse 2018

Griffith Observatory is hosting a FREE public event to view the total lunar eclipse
3:45 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.

(note: the main building will be closed, only the open ground is open)


Event/Eclipse Timeline

EVENT BEGINS  3:45 a.m. (grounds open)
Umbral eclipse begins  3:48 a.m. (This is the first visible “bite” out of the Moon.)
Totality begins  4:51 a.m. (Moon is totally covered in shadow.)
Maximum eclipse  5:29 a.m.
Totality ends  6:07 a.m. (Moon emerges from shadow.)
Sun rises in the east  6:51 a.m.
Moon sets in the west  6:56 a.m. (Moon may set a little earlier due to local horizon.)
EVENT ENDS  7:00 a.m.

Advice for Visiting

  • We are expecting large crowds. Those attending should expect traffic congestion and long walks from parking.
  • The Vermont and Western Canyon entrances into Griffith Park will open at 3:30 a.m.
  • All parking is free until 12:00 noon.
  • Please do not bring personal telescopes.
  • Please do not bring lawn furniture; blankets are permitted.

Did you know… An Eclipse Never Comes Alone!

A solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.

Usually, there are two eclipses in a row, but other times, there are three during the same eclipse season.

All eclipses 1900 — 2199

This is the first eclipse this season.

Second eclipse this season: February 15, 2018 — Partial Solar Eclipse