PBS SoCal Summer Learning Day
]每年暑假,PBS 公立電視台都會舉辦一年一度的暑期學習嘉年華,今年的活動好豐富,除了有 Curious George、自然歷史博物館、洛杉磯動物園、Discovery Cube 及 PBS 兒童台專屬小汽車之外,還有全新卡通 Ready Jet Go 的主角 Jet 也在場喔,兩位丫丫小記者 Evelyn 和 Isabel 也有與他開心合照呢!
這次訪問有些特別~~小記者 Jessie 親自學習做 camera crew 喔!即為小記者更在 PBS SoCal 暑期學習嘉年華開心玩了一個下午,更與 PBS SoCal 的幾位負責人進行了小小訪問,認識公立電視台的暑期學習推動計畫;一起跟上小記者的腳步,來看看當天的精采回顧吧!
Summer Learning Day
It’s a summer STEAMfest!
PBS SoCal and LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes have partnered to celebrate National Summer Learning Day on Saturday, June 25, 2016. PBS SoCal is collaborating with other LA organizations to call attention to the importance of summer learning resources and opportunities in curbing the harmful effects of summer learning loss. Come join us for some family fun and to celebrate this year’s summer learning day!
PBS KIDS summer program line up!
Helpful Tips for Parents
- PBS KIDS Library: Use this fun and engaging tips to get your little one excited about reading and being at the library.
- PBS KIDS Book-Nic: Encourage reading together as a family while you enjoy the great outdoors.
- PBS KIDS Going on a Trip: Take advantage of your next trip to practice literacy skills while you explore new places together.
- PBS KIDS Reading Activities at Home: Support your child’s learning at home with these fun ideas for daily chores.
Additional Resources
PBS SoCal, in partnership with PBS KIDS is also working with partners to offer resources and events to encourage children and families to explore literacy and learning all summer long.
Daily tips, extended learning ideas and recommended games and activities.
Keep every child safe, healthy and engaged in learning during the summer.
–> 2015 暑期學習嘉年華 Memory <–