丫丫小記者訪問 Bravo 音樂老師


月前兩位丫丫小記者獲邀出席 Bravo 音樂學校的老師音樂聚會,兩位好奇寶寶對老師們將爵士、搖滾、古典、流行等跨界音樂元素玩個不亦樂乎,原來音樂遠遠不只是樂理、音符、練習,還可以讓大家發揮無限創意,在「玩」的過程中是充滿驚喜和新意的,兩位小記者當晚的確收穫甚豐,對音樂學習又有了一層更深入的了解。


Isabel Lau

    When you go to a great concert or hear wonderful music, you say Bravo, right? Well, I went to Bravo Music School on Monday, March 14 at the Grand Annex, located in San Pedro. Jaslyne and I, the La JaJa Kids Junior Journalists went to interview the seven teachers at Bravo Music School.

     We met the teachers and the person in charge, Mr. Dan. He informed us that their motto is teach, connect, and perform. They teach their students, connect their students with students who are playing different instruments, and perform for audiences. Afterwards, we got to see the teachers perform songs like Afternoon in Paris, a jazz number with the drums, guitar, and double bass. Another song that caught my attention was Fairy Tale, composed by Cece Wen, one of the teachers at Bravo Music School. It was a classical number with a little bit of jazz. Also, Ori Hubberman, another teacher who is a Beatles lover sang a Beatles song that was spectacular. The performance had a 60’s feeling and was classic rock and roll. Their performance was awesome! They got many ovations. 

    Then, we conducted an interview with the teachers. I learned that one of the teachers Alex Smith, started with piano but decided he preferred playing the drums. Although, when he started music, he played the piano not necessarily by choice since his grandfather was the jazz pianist for Ella Fitzgerald, a famous jazz singer. Some teachers like Lucia Roh, kept on playing piano for a very long time. Her mother is a conductor and pianist so, she has lots of experience,I think she will make a very good teacher. The teachers really want kids to enroll for their music school and hope to see their students go far with music. They hope that many children come to Bravo Music School. The teachers will help you improve in music greatly.
    Come check it out if you are interested in Bravo Music School. The teachers there are great! (FYI, they are opening a new location in June which is in the city of Torrance.)