【試鏡通知】大型廣告徵求 7-10 歲華裔男孩及女孩

* 大 型 廣 告 試 鏡 *  

徵 求 7 – 10 歲 華 裔 男 孩 及 女 孩  

wfb logo    yvr
富國銀行即將拍攝一個大型網路廣告,現誠邀所有對演藝活動有興趣的華裔小朋友參加試鏡。無須演戲經驗,但必須有在美合法工作身份。一經選中,你將獲邀飛往加拿大溫哥華拍攝大型網路廣告,並賺取 $600 日薪,播出後另加 $600 酬勞;拍攝將會在 4月17日進行。
Wells Fargo Bank is seeking Chinese-looking boys and girls ages 7-10 for a major internet ad production . No acting experience needed, but you must be able to work legally in the U.S. Once selected, you can participate in top quality commercial production, and earn up to $600 a day, and additional $600 buy-out if your spot is aired.

We are seeking 招 募 對 象:

* 貌似 7 至 10 歲 華裔男孩及女孩 *

 Chinese-looking Boys & Girls 7 – 10 yrs old


Cheerful, cute and clean image

* 須有在美國合法工作身份 *

Must be able to work legally in the U.S.

Audition Date 試鏡日期:

4/13 10am ~ 8:30pm

4/14 10am ~ 3pm

Audition Location 試鏡地點:

Monterey Park

Shoot Date 拍攝日期: 

4/17 Sunday in Vancouver, Canada


~ 不要錯過這個難得的機會,我們誠邀您立即參加特別招募 ~ 


  • 提供試鏡者近照(file size 不可超過2MB) 連同姓名、出生日期、聯絡電話,一同 email 至
  • 我們將以電郵與您預約試鏡時間
How to apply:
  • Send us your most recent photos by email (cannot exceed 2MB)
  • Include your name, age & contact number at the email and send to


  • We will e-mail to make appointment with you about audition time

For more info, please contact us by phone or by e-mail.  Please call us at 323.728.7200, or e-mail us at info@lajajakids.com

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Disclaimer: La JaJa Kids is not affiliated with the production team. Our job in this project is to post and announce this casting notice, we are not responsible for the result of the audition or production project.
