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3/2/2019 - 3/3/2019
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《城市之光》(英語:City Lights)是一部1931年的美國愛情喜劇電影,由查理·卓別林自編自導自演。本片講述了卓別林飾演的流浪漢愛上了一位賣花盲女,還結交了一位反覆無常的酗酒富翁的故事。
Retroformat presents Charlie Chaplin in a special presentation of some of his finest early shorts. From Chaplin’s Essanay Studios period, “A Night at the Show” (1915) reprises much of his stage work in the play A Night in an English Music Hall, which toured from 1910 to 1913 and led to his discovery by Mack Sennett. With the Essanay/Broncho Billy Anderson short “His Regeneration” (1915), featuring Charlie in a surprise cameo appearance; another outstanding Chaplin film from 1915, “Police”; and Chaplin’s amazing two-reel solo performance in the Mutual production “One A.M.” (1916).