【試鏡甄選】《小小廚神》MasterChef Junior 第七季兒童真人秀公開試鏡


Master Chef Junior《小小廚神》是 FOX 電視台一個極受歡迎的烹飪實景選秀節目,開播至今已經播出 6 季。

參加的都是十歲左右的小朋友,他們精湛的廚藝和毫不做作的真性情讓觀眾們看得非常投入。經過層層淘汰賽,最後的冠軍小廚師可以獲得巨額獎金 $100,000,和一座極為精美的大獎杯!


Open Casting Call for New Master Chef Junior Season 7

為了籌備新一屆《小小廚神》的拍攝,FOX 電視台製作組正進行全美大型試鏡選秀活動,歡迎所有喜歡烹飪、個性開朗有趣的小朋友參加!

2019 報名方法非常簡單,上網填好表格,就會獲得通知試鏡地點和時間,報名網址:masterchefjuniorcasting.com




Wanna be a part of the national FOX hit cooking competition series where children aged 8 to 13 years old compete for the coveted title of MasterChef Junior?

Master Chef Junior will be in Los Angeles on Saturday, March 16 looking for kids who love to cook and want to try out for this fun lighthearted show! This is an unique and incredible opportunity for any kid with a passion or a talent for cooking.

The casting call is a total blast for all the kids who try out and everyone leaves with a huge smile, feeling like a winner!

Don’t be intimidated by the skill level they see on our show because no one walks into our open casting call cooking like a MasterChef. We are looking for passion and the potential to learn and blossom into the MasterChef inside each and everyone of them!

Children between ages eight and thirteen apply to become a contestant on the series. Twenty-four applicants are chosen to audition. At the auditions, the applicants are split into 3 groups. One group prepares seafood dishes, one prepares pasta dishes and one group prepares dessert dishes to present to the judges. Twelve of the applicants become contestants for the next round and all twenty-four receive one of the MasterChef franchise’s signature aprons that they get to keep, regardless of their progress.

After the audition round, 2 contestants are sent home per episode. The winner receives a prize of $100,000 and the Junior MasterChef trophy.


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attends the Fox All-Star Party on August 1, 2013 in West Hollywood, California.