關於 Monkey King 孫悟空~成功之路花車:
這輛花車是洛杉磯華裔商家誠保利集團關係企業 BDK Capital Group 精心打造的,充滿濃郁的華夏傳統色彩,巡遊當日更會有經典人物「孫悟空」閃亮登場。
關於Paradiso 花車製作公司:
Paradiso Parade Floats是一家玫瑰花車製作公司。該公司投入玫瑰花車製作行列只有五年歷史,但設計師 Charles Meier 所設計之花車獲獎率高達 94%,成為整個花車製作行業中獲獎率最高之代表人物。
BDK Singpoli’s Float – The Monkey King – Journey to Success
by Aaron E.
Rose Parade Float ~~ Monkey King: Journey to Success
by Phoebe H.
When I first entered the float area, I was like wow this is pretty amazing of what people can make. I have never seen so gorgeous floats ever! I thought of how the floats would look after they would be decorated with flowers and painted. They looked pretty already and awesome.
There were a lot of floats, but one really caught my attention. It was the Monkey King float. Of all the years this float looked different because it was a Chinese float. I was pretty impressed. Many people have heard of the monkey king. Last year Kin Hui the owner of the monkey king float won first place! Every year he always got a different award and was surprised about that. His company is determined to win this year. There is a kung fu learner and is going to be the monkey king for the float. Clearly, their float might just win the most culturistic float.
This year they are most likely to win because they are using a ton of flowers on their float more than any other year. The Monkey King statue is only supported by its one leg and hip. There are metal poles that support the monkey’s leg and hip from falling to the ground. Mr. Hui and his partner/designer William created a group called the BDK. Mr. Hui treats his workers like friends and not like employees. Obviously, Mr. Hui is a very willing guy.
The theme for 2017 is a journey to success. The monkey king is related to that because firstly he is a bad person and the he gets punished by god and has to live under the ugly rocks. Then he has changed a lot and that is successful. I think the float this year is going to impress the judges and make them very satisfied.
The point for the Rose Bowl was to brag to New York and other cold states of how pretty and healthy our flowers looked in the winter. Because people all over the world look at this, it is like a tradition nowadays.