復活節即將來臨, 大家準備好跟家人去哪裡慶祝呢?



1.Big Bunny's Spring Fling 復活兔親子派對


When: 4/6 – 4/8

Where: L A Zoo

2. Yorba Linda Flashlight Egg Hunt & Egg-Citement 暗夜尋蛋大行動
When: 4/6 – 4/7

Where: Hurless Barton Park, Yorba Linda

3. Breakfast with the Easter Bunny & Easter Egg Hunt

When: 4/7

Where: Live Oak Park, Temple City

4. Bunny Brunch at American Girl 與復活兔共進早午餐

Where: American Girl at The Grove

5. Huntington Beach Easter Egg Hunt

When: 4/7

Where: Huntington Central Park

6. Easter Brunch at The Huntington

When: 4/8

Where: The Huntington, San Marino




View the Full Calendar 查看活動日曆 

Easter is a Christian feas and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixionat Calvary as described in the New Testament. The festival is referred to in English by a variety of different names including Easter Day, Easter Sunday, Resurrection Sunday.


復活節(主復活日)是現今基督教徒的重要節日之一, 定在每年春分月圓之後第一個星期日, 基督徒認為, 復活節象徵重生與希望, 乃紀念耶穌基督於公元33年釘死後第三天復活的事蹟, 不過在現今, 許多與復活節相關的民間風俗, 都不是起源於基督教的。