一經選中,你的小孩將有機會到海外參與拍攝工作,所有旅費全包(包括一名家長), 更可賺取高達$5,000 的豐厚酬勞!
徵 求 試 鏡 對 象 人 物:
- 2 - 5 歲的亞裔小男孩 (混血寶寶亦可)
- 有表演能力,能說英文
- 外型亮麗、個性開朗自信、活潑精靈
- 不怕陌生人、不怕貓狗
- 須有在美國合法工作身份
洛 杉 磯 試 鏡 即 將 舉 行!
- · 試鏡日期:6/14/2014 (星期六)
- · 試鏡地點:Pasadena
- · 拍攝日期:2014年6 - 7月底
- · 拍攝地點:中國或亞洲地區 (製作單位將協助申請中國簽證)
- · 提供小朋友的近照 (最多5張,包括正面及全身照片等, 格式為jpg 或 pdf, 每張相片不超過 2MB)
- · 將照片及小孩姓名、出生日期、家長姓名及聯絡電話一同 e-mail 至以下地址 : talent@lajajakids.com and hkcinetech@QQ.com
- · 或錄製一段 video (視頻短片) 由小朋友唱英文兒歌 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- · 如果報名小朋友超過一人,請分開發送
- · 我們將以電郵與您預約個人試鏡日期和地點
的難得機會,立即報名參加試鏡 !
A TV commercial production for a major milk powder brand is seeking lively and cheerful individuals with sweet smile to participate in our audition.
Once chosen, you can participate in top quality TV commercial production, appear on TV screen, and earn up to $5,000 in pay. Overseas shooting is possible, all costs of travel (including one parent) will be paid for.
We are seeking:
- ~ 2 to 5 year-old looking Asian-looking boys
- ~ Potential in performing or acting
- - Able to speak English
- ~ Energetic, cheerful and full of facial expression
- ~ Not afraid of strangers, ESPECIALLY dogs & cats
- ~ Be able to work legally in the US

Los Angeles Audition is scheduled on June 14th (Saturday) in Pasadena, apply now!
Production dates is between end of June and end of July. Filming will take place in China. (Organizer can help you apply for China Visa)
How to apply:
- · Send us your child's recent photos (maximum 5 photos in jpeg or pdf format; cannot exceed 2MB)
- · Include your child's name, age, parent's name & contact number
- · E-mail to talent@lajajakids.com & hkcinetech@QQ.com
- · Or, send a short video of your child singing 'Twinkle, twinkle Little Star' (optional)
- · We will e-mail to make appointment with you about audition time and place