家裡的小朋友長大得真快!相信你家也有不少只是稍微用過、甚至全新的圖書和衣服吧。Global Chinese Lions Clubs 正在收集新的兒童圖書和衣服,送到社區圖書館和兒童庇護中心,給有需要的小朋友。活動分三個週末在三個不同地點設立收集站,方便住在不同地區的家庭。

既能清理家中舊物,又能讓小朋友培養循環再用和愛惜物品的精神,每位參加的小朋友更可獲得在 Magical Playgrounds 免費玩樂的優惠!這麼有意義的活動,大家別錯過喔!

Round 1: (Whitter Location)

  • Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015; 3pm-5pm
  • Address: 7013 Greenleaf Avenue, Whittier, CA

Round 2: (West Covina Location)


  • Date: Friday, September 4, 2015; 6pm-8pm
  • Address: 1208 W Francisquito Ave., Unit F, West Covina, CA

Round 3: (Pasadena Location)

  • Date: Friday, September 11, 2015; 5:30pm-8pm
  • Address: 1778 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA

Kids are gradually growing up so fast at home! Do you have a little used or even new childrens’ books/clothing at home? 

Global Chinese Lions Clubs is collecting new or slightly used children's books/clothing in three different locations to be donated to local public libraries and children's shelters. Please bring children's books and clothing to Magical Playgrounds on the following dates and times. This event not only can donate some clothing or books to someone who needs them, but also parents can cultivate the kids the spirit of recycled items. Each child will also be eligible to participate in the free play of Magical Playgrounds! So don't miss this meaningful and cherishable moments!

Round 1: (Whitter Location)

  • Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015; 3pm-5pm
  • Address: 7013 Greenleaf Avenue, Whittier, CA

Round 2: (West Covina Location)


  • Date: Friday, September 4, 2015; 6pm-8pm
  • Address: 1208 W Francisquito Ave., Unit F, West Covina, CA

Round 3: (Pasadena Location)

  • Date: Friday, September 11, 2015; 5:30pm-8pm
  • Address: 1778 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA