Photo Credit By PBS SoCaL



We were recruiting Junior Journalists for La JaJa Kids this summer and finally we could start our program on August! Our Junior Journalists are going to PBS SoCaL studio tour next Wednesday for the first starting point! They are going to appear at a video introducing them and sharing some of their own experience after they had the tour. Check out our next week’s Enews regarding to the Junior Journalists program!


We are still Recruiting Junior Journalists! 丫丫小記者還在招募中!

La JaJa Kids provides special training to all our Junior Journalists and invite them to attend various media events!  If you are still doubt about what you should do this summer, you should try to be a little reporter this summer and gain unbeatable experience.  Apply today! 


你想成為其中之一嗎?La JaJa Kids提供專門的丫丫小記者培訓,並邀請他們參加各種媒體活動!如果你還在猶疑暑假該提供孩子什麼有意義的活動,你應該今年嘗試讓你的孩子打破常規,參加丫丫小記者活動,讓孩子參與大型媒體活動、採訪社區專業人士、甚至與好萊塢名人見面,更可以培養自信和溝通技巧別錯過這個難得機會,立即報名