策略遊戲其實非常適合孩子們,尤其可以幫助他們腦部發育,增強邏輯以及數學能力喔! 特別是用解決問題來過關和戰略規劃等等的遊戲更是能刺激他們,因為這些遊戲是針對他們而設計出一連串策略性的關卡,能訓練和增強孩子的自主決策能力和挑戰他們的思維。以下是一些比較有教育性的策略遊戲可以與您的孩子分享一下喔:

credit to: http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/nwitimes.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/b/60/b60a1e14-3d5f-55ee-9009-97870344309b/53223db5b79fd.preview-620.jpg

Strategy games are ideal for helping kids develop logico-mathematical skills that emphasize problem solving and strategic planning. Given the challenging nature of play involved in these games which is based entirely on the decisions and moves players make, strategy games can also enhance  kids’ autonomous decision making skills and skillful thinking. If you are looking for some good educational strategy games to share with your kids, the resources below are great places to start with:

1- Great Games that Teach Strategy

This list curated by Common Sense Media features some excellent apps and games that can bolster kids critical thinking and problem solving. All of these games are categorized according to the age group they target.
credit to: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nKjlsFlSN3c/VbrvQgmHz_I/AAAAAAAAwec/cXAuGNrlZEk/s320/1.png

2- Strategy Games for developing logical thinking

This resource from NRICH features some very good strategy games accompanied  with lessons and tips on how to use them with your kids and students.

credit to: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kIWpWOCy6ts/VbrvQ7nQY0I/AAAAAAAAwew/tMrhWoTnnTQ/s320/2.png

3- Strategy Games from Cool Math Games

Here is another great collection of strategy games for students. These strategy games take some serious planning, thinking and figuring.

credit to: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-GmLF9z_oEAA/VbrvQxfs3SI/AAAAAAAAwes/ov816xJ8fcM/s320/3.png

4- Giftedkids' strategy games list

Gifted Kids has this compilation of great third party strategy games for kids.
credit to: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vxEwctrVI50/VbrvRfejp4I/AAAAAAAAwe8/43w7ewqPQAs/s320/4.png

5- Strategy Game Apps from App Crawlr

Here is another excellent compilation of some of the popular strategy games out there.

credit to: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QIipBnbNiUw/VbrvSPDvKzI/AAAAAAAAwfA/YXL22cXqLII/s320/5.png

** Credit to www.educatorstehcnology.com **

Original Article 原文請按此: http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2015/07/excellent-strategy-games-to-teach-kids-logical-thinking.html