小時候,每個父母都會給小孩一個睡前故事,但當孩子長大一點點了,你有想過你的孩子也可念故事給你聽嗎?每個美麗的冒險歷程都是從一本書開始。你的孩子也可是其中一個愛讀書的孩子就讓這個暑假成為讀書計劃的開始吧!這個暑期讀計劃是在Vista Unified’s Learning Center 裡面。計劃是有雙贏的局面喔,因為它有助於提高家庭讀寫能力和鼓勵更多的,更讓孩子不要忘記閱讀的重要性!透過小朋友與小朋友之間的讀書分享,可能會讓你的孩子們愛上讀書喔!

According to the The San Diego Union Tribune:

The sixth-grader is among 200 kids — most from Spanish-speaking households — who are taking part in a summer reading program offered through the Vista Unified School District.

The program gives students a boost on their reading skills and allows them to test their reading comprehension using the district’s Accelerated Reader software. Some teachers allow tests passed during the summer to be credited to students when the school year begins.

Either way, the program is a win-win because it helps improve family literacy and encourages more reading, organizers say.

The summer reading program is administered at Vista Unified’s Learning Center on North Santa Fe Avenue next to the Vista Academy of Visual & Performing Arts. Program director Mireya Perez said it’s not uncommon for some students to read English books to their parents, and vice versa. The Learning Center is built around families and requires adults to engage, as well as children.

District elementary schools have sent books to help support the program, and some older titles are passed out to students who are allowed to keep them.

Isabella has read about 400,000 words this summer, including several of the “The Magic Tree House” books, which has as its central theme a gaggle of kids who hide in a treehouse to read about books, and then get transported to mystical places that they read about. 

***Credit to Pat Maio with http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/

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Summer Reading Program Info: http://www.vistausd.org/cms/page_view?d=x&piid=&vpid=1432541498899