炎炎夏日,想找個免費的地方跟你的小朋友聽聽音樂,玩玩遊戲,放鬆一下心情?那你就要去一下今年Levitt Pavilion Pasadena舉辦的夏日音樂會囉!86日當天會有Lythgoe Family Production Twinkle Time的兒童節目音樂演出!

我們丫丫園地也會在86日到Memorial Park跟小朋友一起做做手工喔!不要錯過!

When: 星期四86日,下午5:30開始有遊戲,7:00開始音樂會

Where: Memorial Park, 85 E Holly,Pasadena, California, 91103

Cost: FREE!!


Artist Bio from Levitt Pavilion Pasadena:

Lythgoe Family Productions is the perfect group to introduce your children to theatrical panto. Princesses, Pirates, and everyone in between will keep your child (and you!) entertained and engaged.  Twinkle Time (described as a combination of Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and KISS for kids) will join Lythgoe Family Productions onstage for our last children’s show of the season.
