520日,Carlsbad 的藍色晴空中忽然砰一聲,彩球中飄出彩色繽紛的飄帶,慶祝樂高「好朋友」系列全新心形湖景點正式開業囉!長週末之前,在多位名人帶領下走過這條紫色的地毯,讓人感到十分受寵若驚。Legoland Freinds Heartlake City 終於隆重誕生了!一起來看看開幕當天的精彩慶典吧 . . .


樂高朋友HeartLake City (心形湖) 將會在521日正式開幕,他是由樂高積木玩具系列Lego Friends 其重點當然是冒險和講述五個女孩的生活:安德烈,艾瑪,米婭,奧利維亞和斯蒂芬妮。全新設計的Friends 園地裡,設計師精心加入了麥克風、彩帶、瓢蟲和胡蘿蔔等50 LEGO 款式,從此Legoland 更吸引小女生了!



  • 米婭馬術訓練營~~一個62匹馬和一輛吉普車的旋轉木馬遊戲
  • Heartlake噴泉
  • Heartlake馬厩
  • 永遠的好朋友舞台讓你和好友一起大展歌喉
  • City Park Crêperie享受美味甜餅

Live like a LEGO Friend for a day while exploring

  • Mia’s Riding Camp, a 62 horse and jeep carousel
  • Heartlake Fountain where children and their friends can splash about
  • Heartlake Stables ready for LEGO building activities
  • Sing along with the LEGO Friends on the Friends Forever Stage
  • Enjoying sweet crêpes at the City Park Crêperie


credit to:http://i.ytimg.com/vi/V6OskcqRcjc/maxresdefault.jpg

credit to:http://www.trbimg.com/img-55083238/turbine/os-legoland-florida-heartlake-city-20150317

credit to:http://florida.legoland.com/Thumbs/c4/aa/696x0/c4aa7d859183446ea19942f6b8c75b7b.png