PBS Kids 的全新兒童節目 Oh Noah! (哦! 諾亞 )通過動畫視頻和內置遊戲去幫助 6 - 8歲的孩子建立Spanish 詞彙。每一個視頻都會推出一段相關漫畫。孩子除了學習語言,他們還可以把它變成有意義的語言環境。就像動畫裡的 Noah --- 他們可能不明白所有的西班牙語對話,不過如果孩子可以通過豐富的視覺效果來看故事,理解能力很快就提升了!
Oh Noah!, (formerly known as Noah Comprende) is designed to teach Spanish to children ages six to eight through animated videos with embedded games that help build vocabulary. In each video, a misunderstanding launches a comic misadventure. Kids learn language better when they can put it into meaningful context. Although – like Noah – they may not understand all the Spanish dialogue, kids can comprehend the story told through rich visual storytelling, much like a silent movie.
Videos feature opportunities for kids to roll their cursor over objects on the screen to hear the Spanish translation. Three different vocabulary-driven, arcade-style games reinforce learning. Leveling and racing against the clock encourage replayability and repeated exposure to vocabulary. Another game on the website, How Do You Say…?, helps kids learn common expressions in Spanish.