經過了兩年的漫漫等待,曼哈頓灘的圖書館終於又「回來」了!雖然佔地不大(海邊城市的通病),但是經過名建築師的精心設計,加上 LEED金質環保認證的加持,這座新的兩層高圖書館將坐擁曼哈頓灘最精華的全海景,一樓大堂的波浪形天花板和二樓成人閱覽區的壁爐都讓人流連忘返,重新拾起圍爐閱讀的無窮樂趣。
- · 設有全洛縣首部全自動電腦分書系統
- · 成人部設有壁爐和全海景的落地玻璃
- · 兒童部更設立了一個《家庭閱讀室》,設有互動學習牆、四個早期教育電腦協助幼童認字和閱讀、另有六台兒童電腦
- · 每星期二和三早上十點半,兒童部會舉行兒童故事時間
- · 青少年部設有五台電腦和一部專為電玩遊戲和電影而設的LED投影器可容納100人的活動室• 設有最先進的遙控影音設備和廚房
- · 四個自修室均設有數據連接線
至於丫丫最重視的兒童閱讀區,當然也是充滿了驚喜,尤其是設置了互動學習牆的 Family Place,到了這裡,相信每個小朋友都會搖身一變成為愛書人!
The Manhattan Beach Library is back and better than ever! The new library is a two-story facility with a panoramic ocean view, designed to achieve LEED Gold level certification. From the first floor wave ceiling to the second floor adult reading area with a fireplace, this library is sure to have something for everyone.
Some of the new featuers of the new library includes:
• 21,500 square feet
• Automatic book-sorting machine (the first in the County of Los Angeles Public Library system)
• Adult reading area with a fireplace and a view of the ocean
• Nine public access computers in the adult area of the library
• Children’s area including Family Place, an interactive learning wall, four early literacy computers, and an additional six children's access computers
• Teen area with five teen access computers and a pop-up LED station for gaming and movies
• Meeting Room with a capacity of 100 includes state-of-the-art audiovisual system with remote touch panel controls and a kitchen
• Four study rooms, each study room includes a data projector for laptop connection
The new library will host children's story times twice a week on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM. For more info log on tohttp://www.colapublib.org/libs/manhattan/new-building.php.
It's a tricky time for public libraries. In addition to the constant threat of budget cuts, these time-honored cultural institutions also have to fight to stay as relevant as possible in this rapidly digitalizing world. In some cases, this might mean ramping up public access to the Internet; in others, it might mean bringing in3-D printers for community use. And as evidenced by this fresh batch of winners in the American Institute of Architects's 2015 Library Building Awards, the design of the structures themselves certainly matters. Whether it's the exuberant renovation of a Brutalist masterpiece by Paul Rudolph or a new San Antonio library built largely of locally-made materials, each winning design tells the story of how thoughtful architecture can help the library evolve and keep up with the times.
Photo via Newman Architects
Photo via OPN Architects
Cedar Rapids Public Library · Cedar Rapids, IA · OPN Architects (↑ ↓)
After a flood in 2008 severely damaged Cedar Rapids' existing public library, the city set out to build a new central library that's meets the broad needs of the 21st century. This mission translated into a more streamlined interior ("more like an Apple Store and less like the DMV") with shorter shelves that "preserve views across the building" and strategically placed staff kiosks, as well as floor-to-ceiling glass windows that wrap around the structure and engage with the street and public plaza. While the new library is 10,000 square feet larger than the original structure, it uses "less than one third of the energy consumed by the old building on a per square foot basis."
Photo via OPN Architects