丫丫小記者 Sabrina, Angeline, Emily 一同出席 Hello Kitty Convention, 快來看看她們的訪問記吧~~
先來看看 Sabrina 的精彩訪問

還有小丫丫的採訪和報導 ~~
以下是小記者 Angeline (11) 的報導 ~ ~
Hello Kitty Con
Welcome to the passage of Hello Kitty Convention. You will soon understand why Hello Kitty is so famous and popular. The creator of Hello Kitty, Yoko Shimizo is very talented and creative, now let’s start with things important.
Well, let’s get to know more about Yuko Shimizo. She was born on November 1, 1946. She was born in Chiba, Prefectore and she graduated from Musashinc Art University. She created Hello Kitty in Sanrio in 1974.
The entrance of the Hello Kitty Convention was grand. It had a large banner hang on the top with Hello Kitty and a rainbow. On your right is another entrance to lead more about Hello Kitty. On your left is the dining area and the food truck. There is also a red carpet area to take pictures. When we were all about to enter, a lady asked us if we wanted to have wristbands for the surprise performance. “Yes!” we excitedly shouted. As soon as the lady finished putting on the wristband, we ran in like mice to eat the cheese.
We first went to vintage village. It was filled with colorful houses, shops, and an arcade. We dashed into the crowded arcade. We got ourselves a card and started knocking ourselves out on the games.
The convention had so many different places like, the DJ booth, Penny Stretcher, Vintage village, art corner, temporary tattoos, Zen garden, Hello Kitty friendship village, art school, kitty supermarket, so many more I can’t even name. It would have been awesome if I could bring my friend.
The convention lets you express who you are, lets you be free, lets yourself fly. Even though the things were pricy, they gave out free things. My favorite station is the T-shirt station. You can create your own T-shirt, but it was 35 dollars. I spent around 80 – 90 dollars.
If you didn’t get the chance to go, let me tell you, it was the best convention I’ve ever been to. Nest time you have to come, hope to see you. Sayonana (zy – yo – nana)
歡迎實習小記者 Emily 的加入,以下是她報導和感想!
My Visit to the Hello Kitty Convention
I had a great time at the Hello Kitty Con. We played exciting games inside the Hello Kitty Com. We also tried samples of different foods. We also went into the Super Supermarket and saw a lot of interesting things.
First, we went to the Adventures of Hello Kitty and Bullseye. We played multiple games and had lots of fun. In one game, we had Hello Kitty tell us our fortune. In another game, we had to press the button to go up and collect gems to get points. There was one game where you had to pull a red lever and a red plastic coin will shoot up so you can collect points by passing numbers such as 5, 10, 20, 25, and 50. I collected about 2400 points. I trade in my points for mini Hello Kitty plush, a nail art sets, a pen, pencils, stickers, and more.
Then, we went and tried samples of different foods. I tried mini cupcakes, tacos, pizza, and more. I didn’t get to try all the samples. I didn’t try sushi, shrimps, macaroons, and cheesecakes. The samples that I tried were delicious.
Lastly, we went to the Super Supermarket. The Super Supermarket was so much fun because there were many different things to see and to buy. Most booths there gave free stuff such as toys. One booth even photo shopped you into a school bus with Hello Kitty. In another booth, they made a 3-dimensional figurine of Hello Kitty in front of you. The also had dancing Hello Kitty figurine that dance in front of you at another booth. The Super Supermarket has great shops.
In conclusion, I had an amazing time at the Hello Kitty Con. I think the best part was when we had a party. They gave everybody a bracelet that blinked different colors. I had a lot of fun at Hello Kitty Con. Thank you Lajajakids.com for letting me have this once in a lifetime experience.
還有我們的實習小記者 Carissa 的初次體驗,看看她寫的報導和感想!
My Visit to the Hello Kitty 40th Birthday Convention
by Carissa Yu (7)
Before Halloween, I went to Hello Kitty 40th Convention. My favorite session is the game center. It was provided by Target. The first game that I played was the Hello Kitty spinning wheel and I won 150 points! I also played the Hello Kitty ruby run and "Hello Kity says". Intotal I got 815 points! I exchanged it for a Hello Kitty bail kit and ear plugs.
Also, I visited the vintage village and I saw Hello Kitty sculptures and little play houses. I took pictures with Hello Kitty figures in the Hello Kitty arts center.
Next I went to the Hello Kitty gift shop to buy souvenirs for our family members. I bought a phone (screen) cleaner for my mother, and I bought my little brother Colton, a stamp and notepad.
Last but not least, at the Hello Kitty super market, I took a picture with one of the singers from the Hello Kitty show and bought a Hello Kitty window decal at one of the stalls. I also got free gifts from each stall when I got there.
I had a fun day at the Hellow Kitty Convention. Thank you to Lajajakids.com for the great experience.