原來逛超市也是有學問的,知道了這些超市的守則和規律,相信大家可以在超市裡節省很多時間, 來超市購物也會變得更輕鬆愉快。
As parents, we spend a lot of time in the supermarket, but unfortunately, some people tend to ruin the whole experience for others. Supermarket etiquette is important in order for everyone to have an enjoyable shopping experience.
1. The supermarket is one way 超市推車也有「單向行駛」的不成文規則
You start at the fresh produce and finish at the toilet paper. PLUS if we all follow the same path, each aisle should also only be one way. That way, you will only have to say ‘hi’ to your neighbour/ the lady you knew from your son’s first kindergarten/ that woman who looks familiar but you can’t figure out where you know her from, once. (Not every time you cross paths going in different directions in each aisle. AWKS)
2. Conscientious, right-on Mummies and Daddies: no Playschool-style commentary in the fresh produce area please 爸媽們, 不要邊逛邊給孩子上“食物教育課”
This is not the time to teach your kids about every single vegetable known to mankind and loudly proclaim to everyone around you what you are cooking for din-dins that evening. We are all giving our children chicken nuggets for dinner and we don’t give a toss if your kid ‘looooves’ wok-flashed baby bok choy.
3. Old people: single file only 不要阻擋通道
Do not waddle around side by side blocking the aisle, making loud ‘oh-me-lumbar’ groaning noises as you bend down to get to the lower shelves. On that: bend from your knees people, don’t bend with your arse halfway out into the aisle and block the way.
4. Minimum speed of 5km per hour 不要太快, 但也不要太慢
Anyone going slower should get their groceries home delivered.
5. Self-scanning checkouts are for BASKETS only 根據實際情況選擇適當的結賬方式
Do not load up your trolley with your two week bulk shop and then scan it yourself. Also if you don’t know how to use the self-scanner, get in the 10 items or less line where a kind checkout lady will scan them for you.
6. Checkout ladies: no inane small talk at the checkout 結賬時,盡量減少與收銀員閒聊
In particular do not ask me what I’m up to today. Sometimes the answer is, ‘not much,’ and I feel embarrassed about that. Also, once you open up that dialogue I will worry that you are going to comment on my groceries, which may also be embarrassing. In fact, as a follow on from that …
7. Checkout ladies: scan embarrassing items as quickly as possible 嘗試用最快的速度結賬
If they don’t have a barcode/ are not scanning, just toss them quickly behind you, pretend it never happened and move on. If you have to get Jan from toiletries to run up the aisles looking for the price on a 24-pack of Tenas, I no longer want them. (Seriously, I’d sooner just wet my pants next time I go for a run.)
8. To the store manager: The checkout is a free library of magazines 如果隊伍太長,免費雜誌為你打發時間
That is: magazines at the checkout are provided for my entertainment whilst I am waiting in the queue. I do not have to buy one, but I can read it while I am waiting. If your queues are so long that I can read the entire contents of New Weekly while I’m waiting my turn, then maybe it’s time to fire up the light on checkout 10.
9. Food sampling station is NOT a buffet table 免費試吃只是「試吃」而已,每樣食物嚐一兩次也就夠了
If you like the food you are sampling, simply buy it and enjoy it at home. Don't try to fill up your appetite at a sampling station.
10. People with FPOCD (Fresh Produce Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) move to the side please 請有 "選擇新鮮食材強迫症" 的人移步到一邊選擇
If you are fussy about hand-picking your beans/apples/oranges etc., be aware that some people are happy to just toss a few in a bag and keep going. For that reason, stand aside and don’t block the access while you are searching for the holy grail of string beans one by one.
Happy shopping!!