謝謝 Sara 提供的可愛照片,小寶寶和媽媽穿著黃色鴨子 T 恤,一家人一起見證巨型鴨寶寶和鴨媽媽「團聚」了!!
聰明爸媽的遊樂推介:復古帆船節 + 巨型黃色小鴨
Getting the Most Fun at Tall Ship Festival & the Rubber Duck
- 整個海港的場地非常大,一定要穿好舒服的走路鞋和推嬰兒車喔
- 由於人太多,大部分攤位接受信用卡付費的服務極慢,最好帶備足夠現金
- 現場買票的窗口服務也十分慢,建議先上網購票再打印出來(記得預購停車位喔!)
- 門票的選擇有好多種,最基本的登船觀光票就很適合一家大小
- 如果你對San Pedro 港口不熟悉,建議先下載好場地地圖,了解駕駛路線 (click on the map to access parking info)
現場有超過20輛快餐車,水準不一,我們的最愛是 Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich 和 Hawaiian Slush Ice
如果你是UCLA 大學足球隊的粉絲,別錯過他們週末的精彩演出!
1) 今年的復古高桅帆船節將在那個城市舉行?Port of Los Angeles
2) 巨型黃色小鴨身高多少? 61 ft (由於大黃鴨的身高與最初公佈數字不符,所以這個答案就算是所有人都答對!)
得獎者公佈 . . . . Our winner is Kevin Y. Congratulations!
Don't miss this exciting experience to see over a dozen grand ships, with a special appearance of the historical battleship, USS Iowa and the Victory Ship . . . and to make all these even more attractive, this year there will be the famous World's Largest Rubber Duck coming to meet us after having toured throughout the world!
一整隊漂亮又雄偉的復古高桅帆船,還有代表美國精神的 USS Iowa 號戰艦,只要一張票,你就可以全部看到,甚至還可以親自上船參加巡遊和模擬海上炮戰!
地點:Port Of Los Angeles Terminal Island, Berth 303 APL San Pedro, ca 90731
首度在洛杉磯亮相的大鴨除了是全世界最大的之外,原來它最近悄悄做了媽媽,生了一隻可愛的小鴨寶寶(Baby Duck);這幾天,整個LA 正討論著一隻小黃鴨的行蹤,其實「它」接近9呎高的身形也不算小啦,但是它的媽媽「大黃鴨」身高 60 呎,是全球最大的。小黃鴨將會在LA 各地出現,尋找它的媽媽,為8月20日開幕的復古高桅帆船節宣傳造勢,也提早將歡樂帶給大家。如果你看到它的身影,記得和它合照,發給我們喔!
At the festival, you have the opportunity to take a tour abroad these ships when they are docked. If you buy a special pass you can take a tour around the port aboard the ship.
If you feel generous, you can get the VIP pass and you can participate in the opening ceremony, as the ships parade through the port and act out a cannon fight! It is an unique experience to taste history and feel the sheer force of a battleship!
Tours take place when the ships are docked, and tours ON THE SHIPS around the Port of Los Angeles take place a couple times a day.
門票 Tickets:
岸邊觀賞一日票 Dockside viewing - $7 (free for children under 4)
登船參觀多日票 Multi-day On Board Ship Pass $19
登船出海觀光票 Schedule a ride on the ship as it tours the port - $85
首航巡遊體驗票 Ride the ship and be part of the grand opening parade- $150.
the UCLA Bruin's Marching Band will be performing at Tall Ships Los Angeles.
Schedule of Events
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
12 - 8pm Gates Open
12 - 8pm Entertainment on 4 stages, Privateer Encampment, Cannon Demonstrations and sail training
2pm Grand Parade of Sail - Tall ships welcomed to the Port
4pm Opening Ceremonies
4 - 8pm Ships open for dockside and on board tours
Thursday, August 21, 2014
12 - 8pm Gates Open
12 - 8pm Entertainment on 4 stages, Privateer Encampment, Cannon Demonstrations and sail training
10am - 6pm Day Sails
Friday, August 22, 2014
12 - 8pm Gates Open
12 - 8pm Entertainment on 4 stages, Privateer Encampment, Cannon Demonstrations and sail training
10am - 6pm Day Sails
8pm Showing of The Little Mermaid projected onto the sail of the Freda B
Saturday, August 23, 2014
10am - 6pm Gates Open
10am - 6pm Entertainment on 4 stages, Privateer Encampment, Cannon Demonstrations and sail training
9am - 6pm Day Sails
Sunday, August 24, 2014
10am - 6pm Gates Open
10am - 6pm Entertainment on 4 stages, Privateer Encampment, Cannon Demonstrations and sail training
9am - 6pm Day Sails
website: http://www.tallshipsfestivalla.com/