【丫丫體驗】在 兒 童 跳 蚤 市 場 學 市 場 經 濟

Pasadena Kidspace Museum 上個週末人頭湧湧,因為又到了每年舉辦兩次的《兒童跳蚤市場》,這是讓小丫丫們期待已久的活動,讓孩子從小培養對金錢的概念,認識經營企業的決策和運作,由賣什麼貨品、設立小攤位、跑銷售、講價錢、到計算收入和利潤,都是很難得的學習經驗!




所以,事不宜遲,做媽媽的一知道《兒童跳蚤市場》開放登記,就立即報名(去年好快就滿額了,只能望門興嘆)。報名費 $11,還包含兩個人的入場門票,是不錯的 deal 喔。


Kidspace Flea Market is not business as usual.  It is for entrepreneurs-in-making to sell, swap, and shop ‘till you drop, entirely run by kids for kids!


Kids get to learn the tricks of the trade to running their own business by selling gently used items, homemade goods, something silly or useful DIY items, or even a talent!

Last year we registered a day too slow and it was sold out way to soon (talk about timing the market!)  So this year I swear to seize the opportunity early, I registerd the first day it opened for the public.  $11 registration includes a table and two chairs, plus admission for two, a very good deal indeed!



學習重點(一):location, location, location


