久仰 Color Run 慈善競跑活動的大名,聽說參加過的人都會被鮮豔的顏色和歡樂的氣氛感染,變成大叫大笑的「瘋子」,這天小丫丫的學校發起參加,當然第一時間報名,想親身感受它的魔力,更想知道這個活動如何在短短兩年(是的,只有兩年)就席捲全球130個城市,成為融合商業和慈善的體育活動中最成功的典範!
Color Run 號稱「史上最開心的五公里競跑」,是由來自猶他州的Travis Snyder 發起,靈感來自印度的五彩節(Holi Festival),第一次活動於2012年初在鳳凰城舉行,有6,000人參加。當年就在北美50個城市舉行過,超過60萬人參與。到了2013年,活動發展到全球130個城市,足跡遍布南美、歐洲和澳洲,並透過與IMG的夥伴關係,即將在中東和亞洲等多個國家舉行,包括:香港、上海、北京、新加坡、首爾、卡塔爾,科威特,黎巴嫩和埃及等。
So it all started when we were at the starting line……………
We were about to go, when my friend Olivia wanted to go home. I asked "why Olivia, why????"
she complained, "I'm tired,and I am hungry!!"
I was surprised!! We just got there, we didn't even go in it yet.
Right after that thought, we heard a voice go "GOOOOOO!!!!!!”!
Everybody came CRASHING through!! If you wanted to run, you went to the right lane. But if you wanted to walk, you went to the left lane.
So, when we got to the yellow, I asked Olivia how she liked it. She exclaimed "I don't like it I LOVE IT!!”(that's exaggerating!!…)
We kept walking,we made a list of nicknames for the colors:
At the finish line you get 2 bags of the powder paint. Me and Olivia, got crazy spraying each other!!!
After that, we got blown off by leaf blowers.
Even though there was food at the color run,we didn't eat it.Instead we went to a mall called "Spectrum".
We ate at CPK. We weren't at all surprised that we saw some other color runners there."Spectrum" is pretty close to the Color Run.
After lunch,we ate ICE CREAM at the "Cold Stone Creamery"!!!
We had a great time!