美國一項針對 0 至 3 歲幼兒進行的研究發現,用智能手機或平板電腦玩遊戲的幼兒在語言能力的發展會較緩慢,至於經常使用所謂具教育性的學習 Apps 的幼兒,其智能發展與其他幼童分別其實不大。
紐約 Cohen Children's Medical Centre 的專家以 65 個育有 0 至 3 歲幼兒的家庭為研究對象,當中63個家庭有智能手機或平板電腦等觸控裝置,幼兒平均在 11 個月大左右時開始使用觸控裝置,平均每日使用 36 分鐘。
雖然參與研究的家長中多達六成相信幼童使用觸控裝置有助語言學習及智力發展,但研究發現,常玩憤怒鳥、水果忍者等非教育性遊戲的幼兒,在語言測試中的得分比不玩這些遊戲的孩子低,而使用教育 App 的幼兒智能發展則與其他幼兒無明顯差異。
帶領研究的 Ruth Milanaik 博士指出,近年不少家長以智能手機等科技產品,取代書本或一般嬰幼兒玩具,缺乏其他與年幼子女互動的方式,令人大感震驚。
Tablets, phones can harm kids learning to speak
Parents should think twice before allowing toddlers to play Angry Birds or other games on iPads or phones, it was warned after researchers found they were linked with poorer speech. Doctors found that toddlers in a clinic were often given smart phones to keep them occupied and investigated links to development and speech.
A survey of 65 families suggested most parents believed the games were educational and helping the child's development but this was not found to be the case.
The average age children starting using touchscreens was just 11 months and most used them for around half an hour per day.
The team from the Cohen Children's Medical Centre of New York found there was no difference in scores on general developmental tests in children aged up to three between those who played educational or non-educational games on touchscreen devices.
However those who played non-educational games such as Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja had lower scores in speech tests for both understanding of language and speaking.
Ruth Milanaik, chief investigator of the study, said: "We have observed in our neonatal clinic that the number one 'toy' parents are giving their toddlers are smart phones.
"It was striking to see that parents were substituting books and general baby toys for smart phones.
"Technology can never replace a parent's interaction with his or her child. Just talking to your child is the best way to encourage learning."
The researchers said they could not establish if the games caused poor speech or if children who were already struggling were drawn to playing those games.