Natural History Museum New Exhibition
12/22 星期天開幕:當天早上還有精彩慶祝活動,包括免費騎駱駝 (首200名入場觀眾)、木偶表演、故事劇場等 . . .
我們的旅程從展場入口的 3隻原尺寸雙峰駱駝背著各種貨物開始,起點是古長安市,它是中國唐代的首都及當時最大的城市,城內還住有數千名外國人,多元民族帶來了西方的習俗和珍貴商品的交易,如果說西安是最早全球化的城市似乎一點也不為過。
絲路行特展是美國自然史博物館的中國通、恐龍專家 Mark Norell 與紐約大都會博物館東亞部主任 Denise Leidy 博士共同策劃,也因此首次讓我們有機會看到在中國以外與絲路有關的文物。之前在紐約自然歷史博物館展出時,大受歡迎,這次來到洛杉磯巡迴展出,為正在慶祝100週年的自然歷史博物館增加人氣。
門票:成人 $8、兒童 $5、2歲以下免費
This is a chance to experience the Silk Road as it was 1,000 years ago -- oasis cities, night markets, camel caravans, spice merchants, and ancient science tools devised by sailors and scholars!
During its golden age (AD 600 to 1200), the Silk Road opened up the world to new ideas and products. It stretched 4,600 miles through scorching desert sands and freezing snowy mountain passes, from eastern China through Central Asia to the Middle East. But along the way, travelers stopped in cities that, at the time, were the most tolerant and advanced places on Earth. Now those cities come alive in the exhibit Traveling the Silk Road: Ancient Pathway to the Modern World.
As smells of spice and music from ancient Chinese instruments fill the air, vistors explore bazaars filled with gems and crafts; a silk-making workshop with live silkworms; ancient scrolls filled with the secrets of technology and religion beliefs; the inside of a long-ago cargo ship; and astronomy tools that helped mariners navigate the seas.
This exhibition is organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York ( in collaboration with Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, Roma, Italy, and Codice Idee per la cultura srl, Torino, Italy; and the Museum at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore; and the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Australia and Art Exhibitions Australia; and the National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan and United Daily News, Taipei, Taiwan.