【開 幕 禮 現 場 直 擊】 立即跟我們一起進入冰雪連天的好玩世界吧!
去年首次登場的瑪麗皇后號冰雕節大受歡迎,今年捲土重來,以家傳戶曉的「胡桃仙子」Nutcracker 人物造型為主題,一萬四千呎的展覽規模更大更好玩,除了有繽紛冰雕節、六千呎戶外溜冰場、六條冰滑梯、聖誕老人村、全世界最大的搖搖馬和雪人彈跳床 . . . 等,當然還有每天都出現的聖誕老人囉!
兩位 Red Bull 的飛天勇士從直升機直接跳下來,安全而準確地抵達了活動現場,為開幕禮增添了點點驚險刺激!
當然還有開幕嘉賓--迪士尼兒童節目 Ant Farm 明星 Sierra McCormick 親臨剪綵
我們還在現場和丫丫園地的好朋友一家合照,謝謝 L. C. 精心製作的 video,和大家分享小朋友的開心!
現場還有一百多呎長的雪坡,讓大人和小朋友玩輪胎滑坡遊戲(snow tubing)
Holiday Village
There are lots of fun and excitement throughout the village (a lot more than last year!)
We rode the largest rocking horse in the world. Guess what . . . it is rocked manually by the staff worker!
Let me share a small secret with you, our little one still believes in Santa Claus! She spent a good 15 minutes sharing with Santa her Christmas wish list, and discussed with him thoroughly about how she had been "trying" to be a nice girl and therefore deserves her gift this year! It was priceless to see how she still preserve her innocence and childhood!
Trying out the snow carriage at the North Pole Express outside of Santa's hut
Interactive magic show captured attention of lots of kids
One of the most exciting games at the park - - The Buckling Reindeer ride. This is JaJa striking her pose BEFORE the raindeer started moving!
This is AFTER....
The adorable Gingerbread man!
最後更送上飛雪連天的浪漫氣氛,讓大人和小孩都 high 到不行!
Our special souvenir - a custom CHILL Christmas tree ornament and delicious macaroon. Thank you Queen Mary!