你能想像一萬名小女孩一起尖叫的聲浪和分貝嗎?上週末的 Girltopia: the world of girl 現場就有超過一萬名女童軍參加,丫丫園地恭逢盛會,親身體驗了這股強勁的 Girl Power!
女童軍 (Girl Scouts) 成立於1912年,至今已有超過100年歷史,透過許多學習和社會服務活動,培養女生的忠誠、勇氣、關愛、自信、獨立思考和團隊精神。讓人最熟悉的應該是每年的賣曲奇餅籌款活動,相信大家都嚐過不少吧!原來全洛杉磯就有超過 4萬名女童軍,數目十分驚人!
Girl Scout Levels
Girl Scouts impacts girls by offering a wide variety of programs and activities that meet the developmental, educational, emotional and social needs of girls at six levels:
Girl Scout Daisy (grades K-1) |
Girl Scout Cadette (grades 6-8) |
Program Focus Areas
Five program areas serve as the foundation for the Girl Scout Leadership Experience:
- Business Smarts (our Cookie Program)
- Healthy Living
- Environment & Outdoor Adventure
- Science & Technology (STEM: science, technology, engineering and math)
- Arts and Culture
Our program has 15 age-specific outcomes and as the girls progress, they are offered opportunities to lead whenever possible. Through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience girls discover themselves, connect with others, and take action to make the world a better place.
Girl Scouts offers a variety of Pathways - ways girls and adults participate - to meet the needs and interests of today's girls.
Girl Scout Experience Highlights
The Girl Scout Gold Award – This award is the highest honor a girl can achieve in Girl Scouting. This prestigious award requires hours of leadership development, career exploration and community service, and requires each young woman to select, plan and implement a project that has a lasting impact on a community.
The Business of Cookies - The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the leading business and economic development program for youth in the country. This hands-on leadership development and financial literacy program teaches each Girl Scout valuable entrepreneurial and life skills, like money management, customer service, marketing, goal setting, closing the deal, teamwork and business ethics.
Community Service – A core component of Girl Scouting, girls learn from an early age the value of making a difference in their communities. The Girl Scout Experience gives girls and young women the confidence and the tools to lead and become a citizen who will make a difference in her world.