



自 2010 年歐洲和美國演出以來,已經吸引了超過兩百萬名觀眾入場,是太陽馬戲團最成功的巡迴演出之一。故事由一隻千歲巨龜帶出千百年來地球上多個不同種族的神話故事,加上許多造型獨特的動物與人類的互動故事,讓人目不暇給,驚嘆不已。



TOTEM traces the fascinating journey of the human species from its original amphibian state to its ultimate desire to fly. The characters evolve on a stage evoking a giant turtle, the symbol of origin for many ancient civilizations.

Since its Montreal World Premiere in April 2010, more than 2 million people across Canada, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States have been mesmerized by TOTEM, winner of the 2013 Drama Desk Awards for Outstanding Unique Theatrical Experience. The San Francisco Chronicle described TOTEM as “whimsically seductive and the most enjoyable show to come along from Cirque du Soleil in quite awhile” and The New York Times referred to it as “What’s the next level after impressed?  Amazed?  Awe-struck?  Whatever it is, that emotion arrives often in TOTEM. This is one very sharp show.  TOTEM is thrilling”.

Written and directed by world-renown multidisciplinary artist Robert Lepage, TOTEM traces the fascinating journey of the human species from its original amphibian state to its ultimate desire to fly. The characters evolve on a stage evoking a giant turtle, the symbol of origin for many ancient civilizations.


Inspired by many founding myths, TOTEM illustrates, through a visual and acrobatic language, the evolutionary progress of species. Somewhere between science and legend TOTEM explores the ties that bind Man to other species, his dreams and his infinite potential.


TOTEM features 11 acrobatic acts performed by a cast of 46 acrobats, actors, singers and musicians in an ever-changing environment. Through the magic of video images that were specially shot for the production in various parts of the world, the set of TOTEM becomes a virtual swamp, a river source, a marsh, a lake, an ocean, a volcanic island, a pond and a starry sky.

Tour Schedule:

Long Beach: from October 11 – 27 at the Port of Los Angeles

Orange County: from November 21 – December 29 at the OC Great Park Festival Site

Santa Monica: from January 17 to February 9, 2014 at the Santa Monica Pier

Ticke is on sale now! 

More info: http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/en/shows/totem/tickets.aspx