Beloved mother and local resident Nina Polvanich Louie needs our help. She has Lymphoma, which can be treated with the help of a match in the bone marrow registry. Her Asian heritage has made the search for a match especially challenging. Nina has less than 2 months to find a bone marrow donor that is her match in the registry. Thousands have already registered for Nina, but we still need your help. This Sunday (June 30th), A3M/Be the Match is hosting a DNA match registry at Children’s Orchard Manhattan Beach from 11am-4pm. All who are 18-44 years old and meet standard health guidelines are invited to join. Once you’re there, simply fill out a form and swab your cheeks. Just a small effort on your part can save a life, whether it be Nina’s or anyone else suffering from blood cancers and other related diseases. We hope to see you there. Thank you for your support!
不要輕看一個小小的舉動,這個週末只要抽少少時間到Manhattan Beach做個小測試,或許你的幫助能拯救一個年輕媽媽的生命!圖片中Nina Louie與她先生和2歲的小孩曾經開心地笑著,然而,現在的他們正在為患有淋巴癌的Nina 找尋適合的骨髓而苦惱。雖然對於擁有泰國以及中國血統的她,要找尋合適的骨髓是微乎其微,但你的幫助或許能創造奇跡,不要憐惜你的愛心,讓我們努力將消息發放出去,讓這一家三口再現那燦爛的笑容。
Date/Time: June 30, Sunday 11am-4pm
Place: Children’s Orchard Manhattan Beach
For more information, visit: