當今女性身兼多職,尤其是媽媽們,一方面可能是公司的主管,管理大小事務,同時也是家裡的賢內助,照顧小孩和處理各種瑣碎事情,但往往就忽略了自己的健康。原來,35-55歲的女性是心臟病的高危人群。據統計,在美國每 4個女性就有 1個死於心臟病,而在亞洲,女性心臟病的發病率也僅次於癌症,可見亞裔女性也不容忽視這個潛在的健康風險。

Women’s heart health is a serious issue. A little-known fact is that more women die of heart disease than all cancers combined – and women ages 35-55 are at highest risk. Women today are multi-tasking more and experiencing greater stress than has ever been experienced in the past.

According to the data from CDC, Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States killing 292,188 women in 2009—that’s 1 in every 4 female deaths. For American Indian or Alaska Native and Asian or Pacific Islander women, heart disease is second only to cancer.



位於Pasadena 的 Huntington Hospital 特別開設了一個女性心臟健康中心Women Heart Center),專門為女性提供所有關於心臟病檢測、預防與治療的服務。為了更了解這個醫療中心的服務範圍,丫丫園地特地造訪,和負責策劃和統籌的 Cindy Bacon 了解更多有關女性心臟健康的知識:

Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, recently opens a Women's Heart Center, in particular for women’s heart health all about heart disease detection, prevention and treatment services. To better understand WHC's services, La JaJa visited the center and meet with the supervisor of planning and co-ordination, Cindy Bacon:

Cindy 指出, 雖然每年死於心臟病的女性多於男性,至今,女性心臟病的治療还是以男性的研究测试为基础。這種性別不平等和信息缺乏導致許多35-55歲之間的女性,忽視許多重要的身體信號,让她們可以更多地注意心臟健康。

Cindy points out that, although heart disease kills more women than men every year, until recently, women’s heart disease treatment was based on medical research performed on men. This gender inequality and lack of information is causing many women among the age of 35-55 to ignore many important body signals telling them to pay more attention to their heart health.


*女性面對心臟病風險 Under the heart risk




1st step, Women’s Heart Center helps you know your numbers:


WHC provides a quick assessment that includes a physical exam, blood cholesterol and glucose testing, an EKG test and consultation with a cardiologist






Three main reasons: poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and stress from work.

Women’s Heart Center will consult with you.


  1. 1.       Offers professional nutritional counseling by registered dietitian
  2. 2.       Offers a registered nurse supervised exercise program
  3. 3.       Offers professional counseling by a clinical social worker for stress management








Knowing your risk may save your life.  Start today!

Learn more: Women’s Heart Center


The American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest, largest voluntary organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Founded by six cardiologists in 1924, the organization now includes more than 22.5 million volunteers and supporters working tirelessly to eliminate these diseases.They fund innovative research, fight for stronger public health policies and provide lifesaving tools and information to save and improve lives.

View more: American Heart Association