Summer is just around the corner.  Living in the sunny Southern California, what can be a better way to enjoy your summer than to go explore the outdoors?  Crazy creatures, awesome antics, hidden treasures! Thrills, hills, sun and fun, there's everything you need for an excellent adventure! 

So check out this list of great outdoor challenges designed for young kids, put together by National Trust Organization in the UK, and let’s all put down our digital gadgets, take the kids outdoor and let them enjoy a real childhood!

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聽過「死前必到的100個旅遊地點」這本熱門旅遊書吧?還有 'Bucket List' 這個理論,要在走完一生之前給自己定一個目標, 把人生最想做又還未做的事情都一一完成,這樣才走得安心(好像還拍成了一套電影呢!

其實人生每個階段都有不少該做的有意義的事,錯過了就無法回頭重來,因為時間和心情都不會停下來等你的。所以,英國的 Natuional Trust 基金會就以此為題,推出了一個名為「12歲前必須做的50件酷事」網站,鼓勵小朋友放下手中的電子產品,走出戶外,享受野外的陽光空氣和一切驚險刺激的活動,別讓童年留白。生活在南加州明媚陽光下的我們,也不要讓英國孩子專美,這個夏天,讓我們一起把這50件好玩事給玩上一遍吧!


click here to visit original website  連接原文網站,請按此。

click here to download printable checklist  下載和列印50個好玩童年活動名單,請按此。



1. Climb a tree

2. Roll down a really big hill

3. Camp out in the wild

4. Build a den

5. Skim a stone

6. Run around in the rain

7. Fly a kite

8. Catch a fish with a net

9. Eat an apple straight from a tree

10. Play conkers

photo credit: Daily Mail UK




11. Go on a really long bike ride

12. Make a trail with sticks

13. Make a mud pie

14. Dam a stream

15. Play in the snow

16. Make a daisy chain

17. Set up a snail race

18. Create some wild art

19. Play pooh sticks

20. Jump over waves 


21. Pick blackberries growing in the wild

22. Explore inside a tree

23. Visit a farm

24. Go on a walk barefoot

25. Make a grass trumpet

26. Hunt for fossils and bones

27. Go star gazing

28. Climb a huge hill

29. Explore a cave

30. Hold a scary beast



31. Hunt for bugs

32. Find some frogspawn

33. Catch a falling leaf

34. Track wild animals

35. Discover what’s in a pond

36. Make a home for a wild animal

37. Check out the crazy creatures in a rockpool

38. Bring up a butterfly

39. Catch a crab

40. Go on a nature walk at night

Photo credit: National Trust


41. Plant it, grow it, eat it

42. Go swimming in the sea

43. Build a raft

44. Go bird watching

45. Find your way with a map and compass

46. Try rock climbing

47. Cook on a campfire

48. Learn to ride a horse

49. Find a geocache

50. Canoe down a river