La JaJa Kids Turns 3 Years Old ! 丫丫園地 3 歲了!
既是媽媽的女兒,自己也是孩子的媽,而且丫丫園地更是在三年前的母親節正式成立,所以母親節對我們的意義的確深遠,今天就讓我們感性一下 . . .
丫丫園地親子網站在三年前的母親節正式「誕生」,我們的目標只是想與其他南加媽媽們分享我們的育兒想法和心聲。到了今天,丫丫園地是個三歲的孩子了,「它」告別了Terrible Two的煩躁期、講話開始流利、也該上幼兒園了。時間過得飛快,我們現實生活中的孩子,正一步步長大成為獨立的個體,而丫丫這個心血結晶,也從剛起步變得更茁壯。
Three years ago on Mother's Day, we launched this parenting site to share our thoughts and questions with our fellow moms in the community. If la JaJa Kids is a child, today we will say goodbye to “terrible two” tantrums, start pre-school, learn to count to 20, and still be struggling with toilet training . . .
Time really flies, while our real life children are prospering in front of our eyes, our brainchild is still in its infancy. We learned through lots of errors and mistakes in the past 3 years, and also grew into a stronger entity with the help and encouragement from many of our readers - - YOU! Without your spiritual and physical support, we cannot continue to grow.
Today La JaJa Kids is moving on to a new stage, we want to THANK YOU, for giving us positive feedbacks, for telling us how to do better, and most of all, for keep reading our website!
Happy Mother’s Day!! 祝大家母親節快樂!!
source: Cook for Love
source: Perfect Endings Cakes
給孩子唸故事書的媽媽 - -
We spent our formative years marveling at the loverly woman who recited the dreams of egrets and herons, who could summon moons, banish suns to the west, then recall a brand-new sun the following morning from far beyond the breakers of the Atlantic.
~~ Pat Conroy, American writer
媽媽的愛是孩子心中永遠不滅的光明 - -
My mother succeeded in making me understand a great deal . . . indeed I owe to her loving wisdom, all that was bright and good in my long night.
~~ Helen Keller, 1880-1968, American writer and lecturer
Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone but still miraculously MY OWN. Don't forget, even for one single minute, you didn't grow under my heart . . . But in it.
~~ Anonymous
There is an amazed curiosity in every young mother. It is strangely miraculous to see and to hold a living being formed within onself and issued forth from oneself.
~~ Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) French writer
Mother's arms are made of tenderness, and sweet sleep blesses the child who lies therein.
~~ Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885) French writer