屢次榮獲全球最佳玩具殊榮的 LEGO 樂高積木今年有大動作:位於南加州的LEGOLAND樂高主題公園正興建一座大型度假酒店,今年春天就要開幕了。丫丫園地很榮幸成為LEGOLAND酒店的亞裔社區宣傳大使,我們將在未來數月為大家介紹這個酒店的各種精彩特色,當然還有多項有獎遊戲和送大禮,千萬不要錯過啊!


LEGOLAND 正為即將開幕的酒店作密鑼緊鼓的籌備工作。現在樂高正積極招募六位精靈可愛的孩子出任酒店的少年禮賓長(concierge)一職,負責在4月5日開幕典禮上協助招待出席的嘉賓、傳媒和客人。

In preparation for the upcoming opening of its first hotel in North America  on April 5th, LEGOLAND in San Diego is searching for a few dynamic kids (six to be exact) to help assist VIPs and guests during the grand opening month.

如果你的孩子年齡在8 至12歲之間,熱愛LEGO積木和主題公園,而且個性開朗活潑,喜歡冒險和新鮮事物,就別錯過這個難得的學習和體驗機會。

The national Junior Concierge contest is aimed at children ages 8 – 12, who have a passion for LEGO, love theme parks and, most of all are adventurous and fun.


立即下載 網上報名表格(2013214日截止報名)

All submissions will be accepted online only, and need to be received by February 14, 2013.  Click here to submit your application online now!







你知道嗎?每間 LEGOLAND 酒店的客房都設有至少8台樂高積木模型嗎?每個客房更有兩個獨立睡眠區,包括一張雙人床和一個獨立的兒童區域,設有一張雙層床、一張滾動床,和自己的電視!

Did you know that every room at the LEGOLAND Hotel has at least 8 LEGO models? Opening April 5, rooms include two separate sleeping areas, with a queen-size bed for grown-ups, and a separate area for up to three little ones, complete with a bunk bed, pull-out trundle bed and their very own TV!






Click here to learn more about the exciting new LEGOLAND Hotel!