We all know about these well known taboos such as black cats, broken mirrors and the number 13, but there are many lesser known superstitions that you might have never heard of. To get us into Halloween spirits, here is list of our favorites:
If you eat from a knife, you’ll be mad and angry for life, according to one grim superstition. Well, hardly for life, but definitely for a few days if you manage to cut yourself!
Never kill a spider in the house. Yes, they may look gross and scary, but their appearance means that something’s about to happen. In a word, don’t kill the news that came to you on its four pairs of legs!
Don’t put your hat on the bed! People used to believe that evil spirits lived in a person’s hair (probably because static electricity could not be explained in old days), so putting it where you slept wasn’t such a good idea back then.
Don’t whistle at home, you won’t have any money. Need we say more?
And here’s another one about money. If you step into dog’s poo, or a pigeon leaves a smelly mark on your car, count yourself lucky, and soon to be rich!
For every grain of salt that spills accidentally a single tear shall be shed unless you scatter a pinch over your left shoulder
Ends, corners, needles and pins – if you ever want to get married, don’t sit at the corner of a table or allow anyone to sweep around you. Bad, bad, bad luck!
* 以上內容是丫丫園地根據西洋民間傳說翻譯而成,只供參考,並無科學根據