
小朋友們,傳統中國戲曲你知多少?臉譜又是甚麼呢?想認識更多嗎?快來參加由藝程文化交流協會舉辦的「戲曲知多少」免費文化活動吧! 中國戲曲歷史悠久,深受各國華人歡迎,可謂人民的精神食糧。這次的免費中華文化活動,讓青少年朋友對戲曲有初步的認識,近距離接觸這項優美的表演藝術。 


地點:Asian Youth Center, 100 West Clary Ave., San Gabriel, CA 91776 (地圖)


時間:2:30 pm to 4:30 pm  



免費入場,座位及禮品有限,請電郵丫丫園地或致電 (909) 257 8432 報名留座。



Although Chinese operas were once like the pop music of today, the number of people learning their techniques has dwindled. "A Taste of Chinese Opera" is an opportunity for children and youth to see the colorful opera costumes, stage makeup, opera video clips and enjoy an opera performance by a 10 year old and an 11 year old kids. 

The event will also have live music performance by Ning Shen Tan Music School.  Let our younger generation take a look and learn a little about Chinese opera in their own way.  Let the FUN begin…

Inquiry : (909) 257 8432