


所謂的藍月,並不是指月亮變成藍色,而是每年曆法除了固定的12次滿月,還會多出約11天,而經過 2至 3年的累積,就會多出一次滿月時節,通常在一個月內發生的第二次滿月,就被稱為「藍月」。英文更是將藍月一詞融入俚語「Once in a blue moon」(當藍月出現),意指鮮少、偶爾發生一次的事件。

Neil Armstrong

今晚的藍色月亮,就好像也要一同紀念剛剛逝世的登月第一人岩士唐(Neil Armstrong)。今天是他家族為他舉行的私人追悼會。個性一向低調的岩士唐家族說:『請大家繼續尊崇他的典範,成就和謙遜;下次當你走在一個晴朗的夜空下,看到月亮對著你微笑,請你想起他,並對月亮眨眨眼吧! 』放心,Neil,我們會的!




Today's full moon does coincide with today's private memorial service for Neil Armstrong in Cincinnati. When Armstrong's family announced his death on Saturday, they made a request: "Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."

Song about Blue Moon



既然藍月亮的出現是一件浪漫的事,就送給大家一首以為題的情歌,由經典爵士歌手 Ella Fitzgerald 口中唱出來的,更帶有一分瀟灑和隨意。


Blue moon           by Ella Fitzgerald

You saw me standing alone

Without a dream in my heart

Without a love of my own.

Blue moon

You knew just what I was there for

You heard me saying a prayer for

Someone I really could care for.

And then there suddenly appeared before me

The only one my arms will hold

I heard somebody whisper please adore me

And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold.

Blue moon

Now I’m no longer alone

Without a dream in my heart

Without a love of my own.