Checklist for Creativity

1. Puts ideas and things together in novel ways(divergent thinking)

2. is highly risk-taker: may be adventurous and speculative

3. Is sensitive to beauty and notices the aesthetic side of things

4. Is comfortable with disorder and being different: doesn’t conform to the usual

5. Is intellectually playful, fantasizes, and imagines

6. Comes up with a large number of ideas or solutions to problems

7. Is very curious about many things and constantly asks questions

8. Is uninhibited about expressing himself/herself and disagreeing with others

9. Has a keen sense of humor and sees humor where others do not

10. Makes up elaborate stories and excuses

11. Invents words and uses elaborate gestures

12. Creates complicated games and play 

Checklist for Motivation

13. Likes to do many things and participates wholeheartedly

14. Learns basic skills quickly and easily

15. shows persistence

16. Snows self-direction and initiative

17. Shows inquisitive, questioning attitude

18. Completes school work

19. Learns for the fun and joy of it

20. Concentrates on and totally submerges in an assignment

21. Sets high standards

22. Chooses difficult work and asks for enrichment

23. Likes to have his or her ideas known

24. Often finds and corrects his or her mistakes

source: Arcadia Unified School District