傳聞是真的! 2012年2月29日, 迪士尼樂園將史無前例的 24 小時開放至凌晨 6 時, 而且從1月1日起, 每天將抽出一名幸運兒, 送出 5 天 4 夜的迪士尼夢幻假期, 立即參加每日抽獎 : http://disney.go.com/memories/
The rumor is true! On February 29, 2012, Disneyland Park and Walt Disney World Resort's Magic Kingdom Park will be open for 24 hours. This event begins at 6am on February 29, 2012 and runs through 6am on March 1, 2012.
Along with “One More Disney Day” in February, starting Jan. 1, Disney Parks and Resorts will be giving away 60 vacation packages for Disneyland and Walt Disney World — one a day through February 29, 2012. The packages include 5-day/4-night vacation at Disneyland Resort in California or Walt Disney World Resort in Florida! You can go to the sweepstakes page and enter everyday.