作為父母, 我們 當然希望我們的孩子在人際和社交關係上能夠有非常活躍的成績﹐所以遊戲約會(playdate)是一個讓孩子可以邊玩邊學習這門有價值的社會技能的好機會。 但當別人的小孩在聚會中不守規矩﹐甚至行為不當﹐ 而他的父母又不在身邊, 該如何是好呢?
As parents we want our children to be socialized thus planning play dates, attending parties, joining clubs and organizations are perfect opportunities for the children to play while learning valuable social skills. But how do you handle a rude child when their parents are not present?
如果你了解你的孩子, 就可以為他們的行為做一個簡單的更正或作出解釋, 不過要小心處理, 不要為難孩子或避免批評到他的父母。蘇絲說: “我們不使用在我們的房子一樣的語言。”如果你了解孩子你可能會說, “強尼, 如果你把嘴巴閉上地咀嚼會比較好看。
If you know the child well, it’s okay to make a simple correction or give an explanation, as long as you do it in a way that doesn’t embarrass the child or criticize his parents. It is fine to say, Suzie, we don’t use language like that in our house.” If you know the child well you might say, “it’s so much nicer if you chew with your mouth closed, Johnny.”
你不必提醒其他家長, 除非孩子的行為是屬於有破壞性或非常古怪的。如果孩子的父母在場而沒有對於孩子的不禮貌行為更正或做出任何的阻止動作,那就只好把事情看在眼裡而不要更正孩子。如果你覺得真的有必要說點什麼,那就大方地說。
You don’t need to mention the behavior to the child’s parents unless it‘s especially disruptive or outlandish. If the child’s parents are present and don’t say or do anything about rude behavior, it’s best to bite your tongue. If you feel compelled to say something, say it pleasantly.
千萬不要批評孩子。你應該為他們做一個好榜樣, 表現給他們看有禮貌的行為。不要嘗試對年輕客人做出過分的教育或要求 - 這是他們的父母的責任 - 但你有權利為自己家人作出一定的期望。在所有情況下,謹守著一句話: “在我們的房子......”
Never criticize the child. You should model the manners that you wish for them to use. Don’t try and reach manners to your young guests – that is their parent’s responsibility – but you have the right to set expectations for behavior in your own household. In all cases, the operative parent phrase is “In our house…”