What is better than reading a good book that inspires your imagination and opens your mind to a new world? The only answer I can think of is meeting with the author of the book in person. Many experts suggest that the best way to inspire children to be better readers is to build a strong relation with their books, the Grace Lin book signing we attended in late July did just that!
什麼會比讀一本好書更能激發您的想像力,為您的心創造一個新的世界呢?我覺得只有跟作者面對面才能有更多啓發。很多專家建議,激發孩子們成為好的讀者就要讓他們跟書籍建立良好關係。在7月底,丫丫就在Grace Lin簽書會做了一個很好的示範。
* Pocket Pacy Giveaway * 簽書會贈品
To make it even more fun, Grace is giving away five Pocket Pacys to the first five people who ask for them. Get there early!
口袋 Pacy 是一個可愛的小娃娃,它可以伴隨著你的孩子一同向世界出發,到處旅行,一起體驗世界,建立美好的回憶。這個夏天就讓小朋友和口袋 Pacy 一同遊歷吧!
Pocket Pacy is a cute little figurine that goes along with your child everywhere as he/she travels, helping your child experience the world together. What a cute and meaningful concept!
Download the Pocket Pacy Craft Sheet Here!