In our recent trip to Japan, we explored a huge collection of innovative children toys that will sure bring big smile to both kids and grown-ups. Here are some of our favorites....
Mind Map 立體地圖
This unique papercraft globe explicates the relationship between the 3D Earth we live on and the new 2D maps representing it. Sound complicated? Try it and see.
這種紙藝地球創意獨特, 精確地闡釋了立體地球和新型平面地圖之間的關係, 聽起來似乎有些費解, 不如親手觸碰觀察, 定能體會其中的奧妙。
Making Tracks 爪印木屐
Geta are Japanese woodenclogs(clunk-clunks?),usually worn with kimono. These geta with animal footprints on soles of pine, however, make great beachwear, leaving animal tracks in the sand. They come in four sizes, with a choice of five animals: gecko, owl, dinosaur, cat and monkey.
“下馱”是日語中對木屐的稱謂, 指的是日本人穿和服時配的鞋子。此款木屐創意新穎, 松木鞋跟設計成幾種動物的足跡, 搖身一變成為海邊遊戲時的人氣沙灘鞋。鞋號大小共有四種, 鞋底式樣有蜥蜴, 貓頭鷹, 恐龍, 貓和猴子5種動物的爪印足跡。穿上它們, 在沙灘上留下各種動物的爪印, 真可謂妙趣橫生。
Playing Chopsticks 筷樂藏遊戲
Having children fill and empty a bowl of soybeans
is a traditional way to teach children how to use chopsticks in Japan. Here’s a modern version with cute chicks. There’s also a tofu set available-which sounds like advanced chopsticks handling.
一雙筷子一只碗, 將許多豆子夾進夾出, 這是日本訓練孩子靈活使用筷子的傳統方法。此欵遊戲再現了傳統的用筷訓練方法, 只是豆子是用塑膠製成可愛雛雞形狀。這系列遊戲中還有一款事將豆子換成豆腐小塊兒, 用來訓練更高的用筷技巧, 比夾豆更具挑戰性。
*MannerBeans*Eyeup Co.Ltd,* Japanese)
Bath Brush 墨汁沐浴液
Though the name of this toy translatesas”Graffiti in the bath,”it’s actually a brush-and-ink kit based on calligraphy sets children use in Japan. The ink is a type of body soap-perfect for composing and penning hot-tub haiku.
這款遊戲的名稱為”沐浴塗鴉”,不過並不真是一套學童練習書法的毛筆和墨汁。墨汁瓶內裝的是黑色的沐浴液, 不僅可以在浴室中盡情創作, 或許還能即興寫出一首精彩的诗句呢!
Creative Crayons 彩虹蠟筆
Thanks to little chips of extra color, there’s a mini rainbow in each of these crayons. They come as a set of 6: poppy, tulip, lavender, morning glory, marigold, and cosmos. Let your creativity bloom.
星星點點的色彩結合在一起, 像彩虹組成一支支斑爛的蠟筆。這套以花來命名的蠟筆有罌粟, 鬱金香, 薰衣草, 牽牛花, 金盞花及波斯菊6種色彩, 任您選擇。蠟筆在手, 您定能展開想像的翅膀, 繪製出美妙的畫卷。
Fresh Fruit Juice 鮮柚榨汁機
This fruitful device has a name that translates (roughly) as funny grapefruit, sip-sip. Plonk the prong into the top of a grapefruit, turn the handle, and enjoy. According to the maker, it takes about 100 turns to turn the inside of the fruit into juice. Now that’s fresh!
此款鮮柚榨汁機有個誘人的名字叫” 鮮美柚汁滋滋滋!”使用方法是將榨汁器尖頭用力插入鮮柚, 再搖轉把柄轉上100圈, 便可” 滋滋滋-“地禁情享用鮮美無比的西柚果汁啦!
*Okashina gurefuru chuchu*T-ARTS Company, Ltd.* Japanese)*
Source: ANA inflight