12/17/2011 Sat., 3 - 6 PM
2800 Monterey Road, San Marino [map]
為孤兒院小朋友獻上一份佳節的愛心, 歡迎捐贈任何新玩具或聖誕禮物 (無須禮物包裝)。所有禮物將於12月18日(星期天) 送到 Five Acres 孤兒院。
Please share your holiday spirits with the boys and girls in need at Five Acres by donating a new, unwrapped gift to our collection box. All donations will be forwarded to Five Acres on Sunday, Dec. 18th.
Five Acres, The Boys’ and Girls’ Aid Society of Los Angeles County, is a child and family services agency that strengthens families and prevents child abuse through treatment and education in community-based and residential programs. Originally founded as an orphanage in 1888, today Five Acres offers an array of services including residential care and education, mental health services in homes and schools, foster care and adoptions, and domestic violence prevention.