培養小孩的責任感 -- 教孩子自我管理 
身為父母親,我們能有幾年的時間為孩子預備,在重視責任感與成熟抉擇的世界生存?單這個問題就可能足以粉碎我們當父母的勇氣了! 那麼,我們該怎麼做呢?是時時刻刻繞著孩子轉,確保他們不會犯錯?還是訓練他們,讓他們在孤獨無助時能記得重要的原則? 




如果你想教出自信、積極,為真實世界做好準備的小孩,就要善加利用這套雙贏的教養策略,讓孩子可以從解決自己問題的過程中理解責任感與人生的邏輯,而你可以在毋須訴諸發怒、威脅、嘮叨,或令人精疲力盡的權力爭奪下,樹立健康的掌控。 以愛與邏輯為教養理念的父母,願意給小孩一項任務並讓他們自己做抉擇,然後讓小孩嘗到失敗的經驗,把握失敗代價還小的時機,讓他們學到寶貴的教訓。 




This parenting book shows you how to raise self-confident, motivated children who are ready for the real world. Learn how to parent effectively while teaching your children responsibility and growing their character.  Establish healthy control through easy-to-implement steps without anger, threats, nagging, or power struggles.


Psychiatrist Cline and educator Fay's "Love and Logic" parenting method advocates raising responsible children through practice. "Helicopter" parents hover around their children while "drill sergeant" parents give orders to theirs, they claim. Neither of these styles permits children to learn how to make choices and learn from the consequences. The result is that as early as adolescence these children too often make bad decisions.



In the context of a healthy, loving relationship, "Love and Logic" parents teach their children responsibility and the logic of life by solving their own problems, providing skills for coping in the real world. After laying out the principles of "Love and Logic," the authors provide "parenting pearls," which are strategies for applying the method to actual situations such as back-seat battles in the car, homework, and keeping bedrooms clean.


Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,094 in Books

#12 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Family Relationships

#21 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Parenting


About the Author: Foster Cline, M.D. and Jim Fay

Dr. Cline is an internationally recognized physician and adult and child psychiatrist who has successfully parented four children. He is a consultant to mental health organizations, school systems, and business and parent groups across North America. He specializes in working with difficult children and is founder of Evergreen Consultants in Evergreen, Colorado.


Jim Fay has over 30 years of experience in education, serving in public, private, and parochial schools in a variety of roles, including elementary education, art and music teacher, school principal, and administrator. He has been consulting and speaking about parenting and education for more than 30 years, founding School Consultant Services, the sister company to the Cline-Fay Institute, in 1977.